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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. My Profile doesn't have tits, but it does have nice flanges!
  2. When me and my mate drove down one weekend, we couldn't find any B&Bs with a room, so we parked up at the seafront and kipped in the Mini. Kinda the same as a tent?
  3. That's still pretty terrible to be honest... I wouldn't accept it, but that's me.
  4. You what? Charlie doesn't sleep at night! He's like an owl, but ginger. (I said that to him on msn, he loved it. )
  5. I've just eaten a pizza! Had a microwave chicken curry, then a microwave lasagne, then a pizza, then an apple (balanced diet?) and I could probably still finish another pizza.
  6. My stomachs been making weird noises, like bubbling and stuff.
  7. Is this it? -http://www.leisurelakesbikes.com/product/07orangeashtonraidxrbike.aspx?&id=2747 Wheelbase looks pretty short to me, like you'd hit your feet on the front wheel!
  8. If getting dual screens was that easy, everyone would do it. I think you need to get a new graphics card with the two inputs for the monitors, to have the two screens as one, instead of two the same? Something like that anyway, I've never really looked into it.
  9. My thoughts exactly. Really enjoyed that video! Made trials look fun again! Instead of just blasting up and down walls sideways... Made me want to go out and ride! Not many videos do that nowadays, so well done.
  10. You could just try adjusting the angle of the bars. The slightest change can make a world of difference. Even down to the angle of the levers...
  11. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to put you down on the idea. I've seen people try and do it before though, get a streety jump bike, then try and turn it into a trials bike. One of my mate's did it, and ended up changing the whole bike!
  12. It could just be those bars, I used to have some shaped liked that and hated them! Try getting rid of that spacer, and get some nice riser bars, old zoo bars if you can find some, or TrialTech ones! As Adam said too, Monty PR stems and so nice! But it depends on if you like a low front end or not. I have a Zona Zip, which is a very long mod frame, and the low Monty stem feels brilliant on it. Feels more stable on the back wheel and better for sidehops etc. They're only £15 too, might aswell try it!
  13. To be honest, trying to ride trials on that will only hold you back. Keep that built for what it's best at, and start looking at buying a proper trials bike. Doesn't have to be new, often see some right deals around the classified section on here!
  14. I'm up for killing zombies!
  15. Me and Dr.Nick were talking about that a few weeks ago. There should be a national Circus day on here where he's incharge for the day. Imagine the mayhem.
  16. Yes, as long as you stop killing babies... no wait...
  17. Abomination? That's what I've been telling him! but he won't listen...
  18. Dan6061


    My thoughts exactly. I currently have rolled up plastic bags then taped together!
  19. I took my wheels apart when I sprayed my rims, although I had a new rim for the back anyway, so one extra wheelbuild didn't hurt! Although yeah, you could just mask it all up, can't see how that'd be a problem. Get some proper tensioners though! That's why it's got horizontal dropouts.
  20. Really liking the colour of the rims! Looks nice with the white. Good job.
  21. Tensioner looks stupid and isn't needed! Having that little chain wrap around the cog will cause it to skip a lot! Other than that, I reckon that'd be mint with black forks!
  22. Circus is epicly cooled beans. CIRCUS FOR ADMIN!
  23. Since I haven't had a job, I've ruined my sleeping pattern. I usually fall asleep at around 3am, and wake at half 11ish? I can be up at the computer thinking 'early night tonight' look at the clock, and it's already 1am! Tried to go to bed at half 10 last night, but I was just lying there staring at the ceiling for ages, absaloutley clear mind, relaxed, comfy, warm.. still didn't sleep. When I did get to sleep, at 3am I got woken up by some girl who I went to college with texting me, cos she was drunk or something. Also, if I have a problem or something, and I need to tell someout about it, obviously in the early hours you can't. So I just went to the computer and typed it all up. Took a while, but it really cleared my mind because it felt like I had done something about it, instead of keeping it inside? So in the morning, I couldn't remember what I'd said in it, so I deleted it. Haven't thought about any of it since, so that helps me get to sleep too. I can sleep much better if I'm drunk too! I think I can appreciate how comfy my bed is more, and how good the pillows are etc So I just fall down and sleep.
  24. Most 24" riders used to have the old steel Pashley forks, with the mounts re-welded back in the day... Could probably find someone with a set kicking about?
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