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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I still think they should come primered with stickers, and a can of paint with our chosen colour. Just trying to keep everyone happy! I do like the first one though, certainly beats polished silver, or black!
  2. I lightly sanded my disc once because i got some sticky crap on it, and the brake was terrible after! Had to ride around holding the brake on so it'd smooth the disc down again.
  3. After reading this, I remembered about the old Tartybikes reference topic we had when everyone had a reference topic after a classified deal on here. So let's have one for Trials-UK? I know shops aren't supposed to, but I read through most of the old Tartybikes one recently, and there wasn't a bad word in there! Seeing as we only hear about the bad orders from T-UK, it'd be good to have some good ones up so we can compare!
  4. Yeah, it's well good! Another thing, just went on party play mode to check this new location, and I don't have it?
  5. Good news about the Skate2 demo! There's a glitch. Watch this tutorial: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wyOGYlwnf28 When you're in the extra bit of map, skate your way down, as quick as you can, go past the big letters, and go left a bit, you should see a tunnely thing with a stair set in it. Go down there, turn left, and it should say 'Spot Found' on the screen! Follow the gps to the arrow, and you'll find the spot! Set a marker, and sesh it. Get over 450 to own it, then over 1,000 to 'kill it'. This will get you unlimited time on it. I'm a pro. EDIT: Ah, I ran out of time, even though there was no limit! But still, if you own the spot you unlock a new location in party play mode!
  6. Dan6061

    New Tattoos

    I thought it was just face paint at first? It could be...
  7. I remember you telling me about these at the Bourne End fun ride, they look awesome! I'll probably get some if my Koxx browns ever run out!
  8. If you can put the Magura mounts on the mod frame, then I'd be well up for testing it! But I don't want to change my rear Profile and buy a whole new brake to test the frame...
  9. That's the problem with the newer levers, if you over-tighten them they snap! If you can find one, get one of the older levers. If you can't find one, don't do up the new lever so tight!
  10. I chose the easy ones, that sounded good too. Go for what you like, the important ones are English, Maths, and Science anyway!
  11. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....p;hl=&st=50
  12. I managed to snap a FSA platinum bro BB axle... And I'm a pretty shit rider really, so I'd avoid them.
  13. I got it on my 5th... Kept making stupid mistakes from nerves! Failed at the beginning, then was fine for the rest!
  14. Didn't like the long intro, or all the black and white... and I hated the song! Good rider though! Although I don't think this video shows his full potential. All the sidehops were around the same size, so it's pretty much the same sidehop, kinda? Don't really need to see it 10times in 2minutes of riding. Did chuckle at some of the bails though! But yeah, keep copying Damon, his last edit was amazing!
  15. Repost! But still, pretty amazing!
  16. Really enjoyed that! Such a nice smooth style! One of your up to fronts looked very close to the edge of the wall! Like the front tyre was hanging off! Brilliant video though, can't fault it. Well done.
  17. Not perfect, but it's lower!
  18. Upload a picture of it, and I'll do it. EDIT: Ah ok, doing it now.
  19. Anyway, get out. It's not 2am yet!
  20. I can remember some of those topics! Like OBM's chav sticky!
  21. Hello! I've just got out of bed.
  22. Bed time. Night LNC! ...and tris.
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