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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I'm 6ft and ride a Zona Zip, which is 1040mm!
  2. I don't really like your attitude towards us now. I'm still in on this, despite having no idea how much it's going to cost me! Seeing as I'm not working at the moment, I'm a little stuck for cash, so if it is a lot, then I won't be able to afford it. If it isn't so much, then I could borrow it. I might even have a job by the time I get the frame, but I don't have a clue! I've followed the whole thread, trying to make sure I've got it all figured out, and understand it all, but despite my efforts, I don't really know what's going on. I know that I have to pay X amount, don't know when. I know that when I get it I have it for 4 weeks, but I don't know when that is. I'm not worried about building it up, I can do that easily. Pictures I can do, I can video it when I ride it! Then blog it when I'm not, that's all sorted. You tell us that Australia, Canada have already paid, but we haven't. Am I the only one that doesn't even know how much I have to pay? You tell us to get organized, how can we when you haven't even given us the final information? We can't do it until you tell us what it is we're doing!
  3. Dan6061

    Team Caelifera!

    I'm still in, still waiting to hear the final prices on postage etc, but yeah. Can't wait!
  4. Wheels are easy to build once you've learnt how to lace them! It's just a matter of tightening every spoke exactly the same, to get a round wheel. As I said in my FS thread, if I don't sell the bike whole, I'll sort you out with the parts you listed! I'd just rather sell it whole than in bits, just easier that way.
  5. Looks horrible though! I'd want a Z cars Mini too, but built to try and be stealthy...
  6. I'm reaaly psyched for this again now!
  7. I understand completely how hard you've been working on it, and I appreciate it a lot! If Muel's right, then that is very, very reasonable to me. I could probs go as high as £25/£30 for it.
  8. Just sand it down by hand, lacquer can't be that tough to sand through? Just roughen it up a bit, doesn't all have to come off I don't think, as long as the paint has something to stick to then you'll be sorted. As said above, use etch primer!
  9. I have read the previous posts. I read all the suggestions before putting my idea forward! But I still have no idea what's going on with it for definate really? Don't get me wrong, I can understand the difficulties, your post just sounded like you've already sorted it out, and I missed something...
  10. Man that's nice! Bash looks a bit weird, I'd have either cut it down, or put a Ti one on, but hey! Has the pricing been sorted yet? I really want to test it, but don't fancy paying £70 for a frame I'd have for 4 weeks. I could buy a 2nd hand frame for that!
  11. Yeahman, definately! Have to do more evening rides soon, when it gets warmer.
  12. Dan6061


    I had a weird dream... I was walking around the village for some reason, then an alien came out from the sky, I got shocked and shot it in the foot, and the alien was like 'Oi! What the f**k was that for you d**k!?' and I said 'Oh, sorry!' and he said 'Nah, it's cool' Then I woke up.
  13. You have more riding spots than me! I have to drive 5 miles to a town, just to ride something better than a 20" wall and a crap skatepark!
  14. I hate you, that's really got me in the mood to go riding! But i'm too ill. I love night rides, usually end up riding in the evenings now, less people to get in the way, and just tends to be more relaxing.
  15. I ran an Avid Ultimate on my mod a while ago, and I wasn't impressed. I kept snapping springs and the plates the springs sit in for adjustment. The adjuster screw threads kept stripping, and it was generally a pain! Don't let that put you off though, see if anyone else has had problems first. Don't just judge it on one bad comment, like a lot of people on here do.
  16. Probably my 05 Zoo bars. Wouldn't swap them for anything! Then my Profile hub. So reliable, as in it doesn't skip. I'd hate it if the bearings weren't so cheap to replace! (I get a set for about £5) They break so easily.
  17. Pasta. So easy to cook, range of sauces and crap you can put in it! Made one the other day, original tomato sauce, cut up ham, mince beef, sausage, bit of grated cheese. Was amazing!
  18. Another vote for the T-Pro! The T-Birds are good for starting, but it'll only hold you back. The T-Pros are lighter, have better brakes, stronger componants. Probably not that much more either now?
  19. My mate's MK2 Golf got stolen last night, outside his dad's garage in Bletchley, Milton Keynes. He has the keys, all the paperwork, it's not taxed, no MOT, doesn't start either. No sign of glass or anything on the floor, no trace at all! It's a Turquoise Mk2 VW Golf, lowered on FK coilovers, Renault R5 turbo wheels, black bonnet. Numberplate is: J775 PEH It's got german pressed plates too. Pictures: Can we keep an eye out for it please? I've posted it on MiniForum, he's put it on Edition38, Club Polo. Please post it about if you could! Police have been told. Just need to get hold of his dad's garage's insurance to see if it was covered, seeing as it was on the garage's property...
  20. Find out how much it'd cost to get the frame to the UK, then divide that by however many riders there are testing it. If we could all agree on that, then we could pay you in advance for getting the frame to us. Getting it from person to person is up to the individual then! Seems fair to me? US wouldn't have to pay to get it in their country, because it starts there, but they'd have to pay more than us for person to person shipping? England - Ireland shouldn't cost too much, and there's not that many testers over there is there? So their split cost would near enough be equal to the US - UK shipping?
  21. I have a 203mm rotor on my mod. It's amazingly good!
  22. An old BB lockring I use as a spacer on my bottom bracket. Got it off an ollld bike, maybe '99 or something?
  23. I'll have to think about this... Money's really tight at the moment, and I can't see it being worth £70 to test a frame for 4 weeks! I can understand why it's that much, and it's fair that we all pay the same, but it doesn't seem worth that much at the moment. Like I said, I'll have a think, and get back to you!
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