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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Tartybike's do a helicoil service now. Send your frame to them, and get them to do it, you know it'll get done well! I got my frame done at a local engineers, cost me £20 and he gave me new botls and booster spacers too!
  2. Bring your camera out tonight/tomorrow! There's a chance my chain will snap, one link split apart the other night, so we could get a good bail on cam.
  3. Masking tape all over the spokes and hub, spin wheel and spray!
  4. Think I saw this at the London ride? Looks lush! My mate wants it...
  5. My bike hasn't changed at all since my last bike pics thread! Jon: Sunday will be awesome! I bet my chain will snap, been a bit dodgey over the past few days.
  6. Cheers guys. That last one, I was going to swap it up to back, but the front wheel was slipping down... Brake really needed a grind and a bleed, was slipping so much!
  7. He asked me to post it up for him. I like it.
  8. JonMac inspired me to make a little video, so I did. There's a fallen down tree by the church in my village, and I've been dying for it to get dry out so I can ride it! Music is RJD2: Ghostwriter. Escuse the poor quality, used my mum's crappy digital camera... Trials-Forum Video -> Full View • Download • Upload
  9. Not on the list though is it...bloody rebel!
  10. You KNOW you'd wanna swap that for my bike! Please?
  11. Doing a crappy Facebook quiz, and got to this: 5.What Would You Be In The After-Life?: Eagle Bear Dolphin Probably A Tree.... Poodle Chipmunk Humming-Bird Bulldog Beagle Swan Monkey Bunny Labrador Cat Deer I'd wanna be a chipmunk, they're just squirrells but way better! Just look at him...
  12. I can't decide what I want.
  13. At the bottom you fool! Woah, hang on? Did Haz get a sly senior style edit in there? Or does it merge double posts now?
  14. Possibly the longest responce to TheCircus I've ever seen? EDIT: Didn't notice what thread I was in! Sorry...
  15. This is why you're coming out on Sunday! No more riding alone, for a day. I never ride on my own, always get my bmx mates out. We're always thinking up lines for eachother, which is good as we look at stuff from different perspectives. Skater's actually help too!
  16. Good vid' bro! You're coming out on Sunday.
  17. Anyone got postcodes/google maps links? Just so I know I get the right place... Also, we don't wanna travel too far really, so keep it to the east side of the Isle Of White?
  18. Cheers Steve, doesn't matter how good a host you are, be comfier than sleeping in the van!
  19. My mate who sprays his bmx (what seems like) every week just takes his tyre etc off, spins the wheel and sprays! He usually gets a really good finish on that too.
  20. Me and my mate have decided to venture down to the coast at the weekend, and obviously taking the bikes with us! We've done Portsmouth before, which has some amazing riding! But we wanna go somewhere new. Newquay's been done too. I have no idea where would be good, we're in search of rocks, bit of natural! Where would be the best place? Porthcawls a bit far, we're in Milton Keynes, Southend is the closest beach to us according to Google, any good there? I have no idea.
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