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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Ohh so that's who he was! hahaha. Looked too young to be a mod!
  2. BB7. No question. Easy to set up, so much adjustment, don't have to bleed them, super powerful!
  3. Ah good, glad you're enjoying it! You'll need Facebook to see them I guess...
  4. Despite the wet weather, slippy tyres and brakes, there was still a very good turn out for the memorial ride in Abingdon. My mate had my camera for some of the day, so I won't take all the credit. Me with a no-handed trackstand. Boon gaps! More boon gaps... The garden's looking really nice now, seems to have grown quite a lot since last year! All the pictures are on Facebook here - http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2666...mp;id=591170316
  5. Really like the new t-shirts! Design is really nice, fits me perfectly, and it'll be really nice for the hot weather (if we ever get that again!) because they're pretty thin.
  6. I was talking to Rich about this at the DJ ride (he also lives at the same road as me) and he said he hadn't arranged a sale with that frame at all! He was really confused when you said it was harsh, etc? Some confusion somewhere down the line, but he's not going to lie about it to me...
  7. Ah man, what a day/night! DJ ride was so good, caught up with some people I'd been meaning to meet, finally sold my mate's Zona, did a bit of riding and got a puncture! Then we went to Southend in the evening to chav it up at a cruise, which we all had a good laugh at. Still wide awake, been drinking Relentless and eating too many sweets! Big thanks to Charlie and Sue for organising it all for us, and for keeping a t-shirt by for me! I couldn't even remember what colour I wanted...
  8. I'm always going to think you're a girl now, not a bad start.
  9. Manuel into a sidehop at the moment! I love manuels.
  10. Just got up and had a shower, got to put an innertube in the back of my bike! See you all at around 11ish, I'll be in the Mini with the bike-rack.
  11. I wish, I'd love that wallpaper in my room! I did make a wallpaper like that before, took a picture of the back of my monitor, and had that as the background. Was boring though...
  12. Been having fun in the wet in the cars tonight, followed by fun in the wet on bikes tomorrow! Can't wait.
  13. Si-Man, I think so much less of you now! You wimp.
  14. Mine's still going strong too! 4 small dents in the downtube though, bit scratched. Fine though! Really nice frames too.
  15. I don't feel old anymore, thanks to you OAPs!
  16. I'll try my best. Had a good day, uncle came round for a bit this morning, then went out with a girl i'm seeing for a bit, then went riding! Got a puncture though.
  17. Ah wow, my first ever birthday thread! Cheers everyone!
  18. Get yourself some uni wench's to clean it up?
  19. ooh, birthday ride for me! If I can sort out my puncture, i'm game.
  20. Si-man, you're supposed to be the T-F hitman! And now you're telling us you're scared of a little spider?
  21. Got a text from my mate last night: "Flew at my head while I was asleep. Felt it near my face. Got up and it was on the wall. Needless to say, BOOM headshot"
  22. That's a well good idea! He says he'll try that now.
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