Mate of mine met this girl, she added me on Facebook and started chatting to me. Then got my number and started texting me, was all innocent general chat y'know... then she explained how she was confused etc, cos she has a 'soft spot' for my mate, but likes someone else. Then she told me the other night she likes me, and I turned her down because I don't wanna f**k my mate about. I'm not even that interested in her! I told my mate everything, and he was cool with it! Said I should go for it etc... But I dunno, seems a bit weird really. I haven't even met the girl! Plus she's almost 16, and I'm 19. Kinda want someone around my age that can actually make their mind up! Don't even have a problem, just kinda typing it out for no reason.. While I'm at it... My dad gave me a ring earlier, asking if it'd be alright if he popped round to see us/drop some presents off. Mum was cool with it (They've been divorced around 10yrs) so he turns up, but drunk. He works at the pub, and had been drinking most of the day with his meal etc, which is understandable! My sister has her fiance round, who's a fair bit older than her.. won't go into that. Dad being drunk, says 'quietly' to me 'What's his name? ... he looks too old!' Half-jokingly I guess, he was laughing along... Which made things get awkward... Then when mum finished her wine, he says to me 'Is your mum having another?' then says 'C'Mon, your glass is empty!' being drunk he mumbled it, mum thought he said HIS glass was empty, and started getting in a stress about it! So yet another mini-domestic breaks out, mum moaned at him about being rude to her and Mark (sisters fiance) taking it all out of context, so it gets even more awkward. I offered to walk him back, was gunna have a drink with him, but he was off to his mates. Nice one, Dad. Christmas eh? haha.