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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. cheers for the pic...my new background >_<
  2. yup one here down in Buckinghamshire stormy stormy flashy bang bang...
  3. I bid for some cheese on ebay once.. (does that count?) I sold a 1p Coin on ebay for 50p including postage because I said it was rare :) :(
  4. Dan6061

    Shit Day

    I disrespect you! (Y) Had a pretty good day again..all good for Dan :blink:
  5. Dan6061


    hahaha our school's getting/might have blazers in the uniform, but we can choose to wear them... but our school's such a ghetto it will look well funny (Y) chavs...chavs...and more chavs!! great fun... :blink:
  6. all you need to do is learn Actionscript. Its easy once you've had a play on it, find a tutorial on google :blink: (or bearshare) (Y)"
  7. I can send the full version on msn if you like (Y) EDIT: maybe not..must have deleted it :blink:
  8. no tea,chocolate powder, milk, bit of sugar :blink: only for winter...
  9. anyone got Tabit? :blink:
  10. willy- it sounds so weird to say...
  11. Dan6061

    Shit Day

    Yeah I've had a rather good day too...
  12. :D It beached itself aswell, so no-one killed it, don't be upset people! natural death! :P
  13. Dan6061


    my mate got one, it looks wuite cool. He has a tribal thing across the top of his back. I personally wouldnt get one, but it did look alright :D "good waste of £140" he said... :P
  14. cant you change the settings? like on desktop screens?
  15. I get that too..when i see people walk by, In my mind i see what they see..if you know what i mean. quitefun..but i start daydreaming and walk into stuff
  16. same here...been fookinmg hot alllll day. ive been eating ice ^_^
  17. pack of ten kitkat orange ^_^ oh yeah..and some chocolate hobnobs and tesco lemonade (not the value stuff) and a pot noodle horn, a pot noodle..a kettle, electricity..and a fork
  18. suppose so..but he was 5.. ^_^
  19. Well the boy I was talking about fell out a window..2 stories up, landed in a plantpot and he was completely fine. Something dodgy there..no?
  20. oh (Y) I wanna cool down! oh well..to the hose!
  21. Dan6061

    Hot Weather

    I hate ht weather..probably because I have long hair and have to wear a beanie to keep it out the way! (Y) Gunna get it cut.
  22. ahh yeah, just remebered something freaky.. My Dad's next door neighbour have this kid called Thomas, and when we was about 5/6 he said he had this friend who only he could see. His parents thought he just had an imaginary friend, but where the houses along their bit are, many years ago used to be one big victorian house. anyway.. in the evening..about 7 o'clock ish, he said the girl (his friend) was talking to him, then we went to go up to her, and fell out of him open window, but landed in a plantpot on the patio below (he fell from the 2nd story) completely fine. and he said the girl saved him. It's really spookey when he tells you the story though. But it is definatley true!
  23. ooh I love storms...dunno why..I always have. They're great! (Y)
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