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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Dan6061


    Got a tile/laminate floor? Butter it.
  2. I didn't think Denzel's character was that great, I could tell the accent was put on, that kind of ruined it for me...
  3. Dan6061


    I'd have thought that if the money was left to them, then it's theres. So for someone else to take money from them without permission, then it's theft?
  4. I used to run about 7psi. But then I realised it was silly, so now I have around 15? Which in comparison feels solid! It's all down to personal preference though, just play about with it and see what you like.
  5. Watched it last night, and I quite enjoyed it! Wasn't quite what I was expecting, which was pretty much like a usual Only Fools' episode, but with them all being younger. Still, it was well written and made me think back to some of the old episodes, it all started to make sense! So yeah, you've probably all had a chat about this somewhere else, but I know many of you would've watched Only Fools, so what did you think of it?
  6. With the front wheel out, and by tilting the front seats forward, I can happily fit my mod on the backseat of my Mini. Also got two back there with them pretty much in bits, but that was because we had to recline the seats right back to sleep due to lack of hotel rooms...
  7. Easiest way to remember it: When fitting, pedal backwards. When removing, pedal forwards.
  8. Seems a bit dodgey to me? How old was the battery? They usually have a warrenty on them anyway, my Halfords one does anyway, 3 or 5years I think... I've always wondered what they actually cover under warrenty. I can understand that most/all parts will eventually wear out, but there must be some sort of cover for them? Faulty parts maybe?
  9. I like it because it's bright green, other than that it's horrible!
  10. Yeah don't worry about the site, they have an amazing service! I've bought two rims from the before. My older one had to come from America because they had no stock in the UK. Postage was only a little bit more, and still came within the week! Even got a packet of sweets with it too. The '09 rims are so strong aswell! I've knocked mine about on so many sharp corners, and not a single dent! I run about 12psi aswell...
  11. Finally we can get rid of them all!
  12. Got a local industrial estate? Round our one there's a fair few metal worker places, should easily be able to weld on another bit of steerer, or make you one up on a lathe.
  13. That price sounds about right to me! You might be able to get a bit more for them maybe... Good parts though.
  14. I really don't care how heavy my bike is, I usually get bored though and start attacking bits with a drill though... My bike compared to JonMack's was insane! My frame alone weighs more than his bike I think!
  15. Mod - Zona Zip. Mainly because I have one, but also because looong mods are awesome! 24 - Inspired. Such nice frames, lovely to ride. Also done a lot for the 24" scene. Stock - '04 Echo Pure. I don't get on with stocks well at all, but my mates '04 Pure was so nice!
  16. You lose points for not taking the picture of the girl up close.
  17. Kris Holm rim, no question! http://www.unicycle.uk.com/shop/shopdispla...?catalogid=1154
  18. 15yr olds are so f**king annoying it's un-true! Had one that was after me, got denied. I decided to simply ignore her constant texts, then she kept apologising and feeling bad etc, so I decided to talk to her again. Now she tells me her mate likes me!? f**k sake. They're so immature and irritating... does my head in! In a bad mood tonight. More to add: It's strange, I would like a relationship, but the girl I've always been focused on is taken, and probably not interested anyway! (an old ex...) But recently I've had about 4 15yr olds after me, all of which have been turned down. I think my problem is the fact that my previous relationship turned to shit pretty quick, my parents divorced when I was about 8, and then my mum's ex sadly died of throat cancer. Oh, and my 21yr old sister is engaged to some bloke who's 40something... So my life's been full of shit and f**ked up relationships, I guess subconciously I'm just scared of it happening to me, so I can't let myself commit to anything? Makes sense, doesn't it?
  19. I live near Silverstone, but I've never once been on the track! Not in a car anyway... I would love to go to Nurburgring at some point, maybe when the Minis a second car/toy, and when I'm a better driver... Good to hear the stories and see the pictures too, does look like such an amazing place!
  20. Dan6061


    Had a little bit last night, enough to get the bottom corner by work slippy! I come down, getting round the corner to get a run up for the hill, and just slis straight across to the curb! hit the big pile of snow which slowed me down, no damage done luckily! Got myself out and off to work. Then along comes a woman in a Polo, going WAY too fast, must've been 30+, and goes straight across the corner, up the curb and heading for the trees! Was baad... She was alright though, few people stopped and helped her out.
  21. Got the crown race on the forks? Star nut could need pushing down the steerer a tiny bit more. Bearings in the right way around? All clean and greased up? Can't think of much else...
  22. Dan6061


    My usualy 10/15min drive to work took a bit longer this morning. By the time I got off my road, I was already late! Spent 40mins digging my way through. On the way home I was sliding about everywhere, I don't fit in peoples tracks, so the wheels just bounce off the solid snow at the sides and in the middle. Good fun though...
  23. Dan6061


    Danny - Yes it is. Subaru Justy's are soooo good in the snow! They're basically a Suzuki Swift, but AWD. My mate got one for £100, got it MOTd etc, it just chugs along through everything. Drifts well too...
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