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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. How do they get behind Your TFT screen anyway?
  2. how did I guess that would come next? (Y) :angry: err.. protection
  3. yeah it is an Aztec one, My mate who I got it off has like 3-4 other Rotors that I can swap my current one for...theyre round...that's about all I know (Y) :angry:
  4. Dan6061


    when I went for a drive in my mates brothers mini, we got 85 out of it down a country road! could of got more but ran out of road! I love Mini's!! the one i went in is black, with a checkered roof, silver arches, and silver wheels.. MINE! (Y) Only bad thing is..it has a lovely dent in the rear end koz the silly git reversed into a wall! (he's crap at reversing!)
  5. I had one behind my screen to! I think it was trying to chase the cursor! (Y) I called it Winthorpe :P He's gone now. :)
  6. uber-coolio :) IMO the navigation should be someone more suitable (couln't see it straight away) (Y)
  7. Dan6061


    seriously..whats the actual reason you smoke?
  8. Rich (Y) (meant Rich4130..but meh...:) )
  9. *apparently* it's best to habe your head in-line/over the front hub, then your balance is centered. This is just what a mate told me though, I've had a few goes, but can only do 2 (on a good attempt :"> ) (Y)
  10. :P I'm uber-happy now Can't wait untill Saturday now!! (when I get forks and wheel) Cheers for all the helpful info etc (Y) So yeah.. (Y) I'm now a very excited Dan :sick: :)
  11. Oooooh big man, you know where he lives! So do I!! :) Shock Horror! So the wheel isn't there...and you think you can go to Jim's house, walk straight in, get the wheel and go? No? well you didn't make your 'threat' very clear did you? Like I said on msn... If it was me: I would wait untill the wheel gets to my house..then if its ok, i'd send him the goods..if he wants it back..I would throw it 20ft in the air, let it smash on the floor and then send it back koz hes bein a complete knob head :P Or..really I would: If/when it gets to my house, If it was in the condition said during the deal, I would tell "saracen_m.a.d" that it's here and all OK, then I would ask if he wants to carry on the deal. If so, I would send him whatever it was i would be sending and his £10 for the return fee. Seems fair to me...? P.S: This is the best arguement I've read in a long time on here (thanks MrMonkey (Y) )
  12. sorry to start an arguement..But Just because Dan said it, doesn't meen its 100% true. It's just one guy's oppinion, unless LOADS of people said it, then I suggest you start backing off the deal. :shifty:
  13. So basically, You've pulled out of the deal? and Jim is worrying because he hasn't got it yet, but it's not there because you pulled out? Correct me if i'm wrong.
  14. ;) What do you guys take me for!! (N) Nah my mate Stu basically gives bike stuff away..bit silly but I aint complainin (N) here's some pictures (bit blurry) And the Rotor (not sure what size.. Might be 170mm.... :shifty:
  15. Its a silver one..can't really tell you much more as I know fook all 'bout them. I Think It's a 2002 one... And it has this lever: Is that what you mean Shaun H? I'll put up some pictures when I get home (at School at the moment ;) ) :shifty:
  16. Dan6061

    Team Anti Monkey

    Yeah why not? ;) I'm In :shifty:
  17. Dan6061


    Word of advice: Quit now. My step dad has throat cancer so yeah..dont smoke
  18. Like it says in the title, I got a rather old (but good condition) Hope mini for the front FOR FREE! :) This is for my T-Pro, and I was wondering if anyone else uses one for the front of a Mod. What are they like? Cheers, :P Dan
  19. Everyone Has Aids!! Team America
  20. I have that Playstation Steering Wheel! MadCatz :) Wheel looks coolio! :P
  21. Dan6061

    What To Do..

    If I'm reallyyy bored..I take my bike apart and rebuild it :P
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