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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Ok fair enough... But seriously...shoe soles :lol: ^_^
  2. Ghetto :lol: :lol: Why not just buy some pads!?? ^_^
  3. has anyone actually bothered to get one of those? :)
  4. what about people at work? I have a rather large manager :) (Y)
  5. I was gunna post something like this..But forgot. Saw it in a magazine at work, Confused me as it has Try-All componants on it. Looks fun.
  6. Dan6061


    I'm with Natwest. Semms fine for me, got my Solo card, gets my wages. And I went with them because the rest of the family is. (Y)
  7. or do it the old fashioned way and just call for him?? :P
  8. Someones sponsored by Koxx... :P Loved it, so smooth and such simple, effictive editing. :P :P
  9. Dan6061


    How do you do that? I've made a connection so I don't need to use the software, but I still havr to dial it. I want always on :P
  10. Yeah I'm lovin' the Teams, but they don't come with 4bolt and disc mounts do they? ^_^
  11. Scroll down alot. Happens to me at school >_<
  12. Happy what was the point in that? >_<
  13. Thanks for that >_< Errmm...BB Tool + anti clockwise (driveside) Clockwise (driveside) = BB Removal I think...
  14. Happy Birthday buddy (Y) Hope you had a good 'un >_<
  15. Are the Easy's equally as strong as the Teams? 'Cos i'll probably get them...
  16. <taking the piss> Why aint you bmx got a seat bruv? (Y) </taking the piss> I liked it :ermm: :$
  17. I'd want one with the mounts for the bash, So I can at least have the option to get one and have no problems doing so. I'm not a huge fan of Mod's without bashplates though... :$
  18. I'm after some good strong forks, I know that Echo's are probably my best bet. But I want some with the 4 bolt mount and Disc mount. I've noticed the Easy's come with them, but I havent seen the Team's with them. Do they Come with both mounts? Or should I just go for the Easy's? Cheers, :$
  19. I hear you're selling a T-pro :ermm: What's wrong with it? They ride fine.. :$
  20. Get yourself on some pallets. Start off on one, then chuck another one on top..etc..soon you'll be doing big drops easily (Y)
  21. Why get sponsored by GT or Giant and get a shitty frame when you could get sponsored by say, Zoo! or Echo and get alot better frames?
  22. I have shin pads...but i haven't slipped pedals in ages..so i don't wear them :turned: Well..I have smacked my shin on my pedal before..didn't cut it..but it ached!! Well worth gettin' some (Y)
  23. Haha...yeah everyone in Halfords is a trained pro (before I get slated..I work in Halfords) (N)
  24. Zona Zip frame soon (N) Love it! (Y)
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