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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. another Halfords monkey here (Y) Bicester, 480 any of you use the Halfords forum?
  2. Probably a sealed shimano one... 'tis what I use..does the job :) (Y)
  3. I ate a sausage roll I wasn't supposed to once... :) I got warned for 'tresspassing' with my mate, it was in this abandoned old hall thingy right next to a public road and footpath...
  4. There's no 'K' in nightmares. If you're going to take the piss, do it properly. :) On Topic: No.
  5. Which Sunday's this? One coming or just gone? I'll come if its this sunday (30th)
  6. These are the cranks i'm using: The chainring is hard to remove and hard to find a smaller cog to fit them. (Why i'm after new cranks) When I got my T-Bird it had 18:24 gearing, so I stayed with that. I'm going to buy the echo crankas and 12t cog, then when I get enough I'll buy the profile wheel and 18t cog. No more help needed really..
  7. Tomm I hate you :ermm: (Holding alt+F4 100-0 in seconds)
  8. Think I've got my plan sorted. Spend £117 at the end of this month on: Echo Cranks Onza 12 fixed cog Echo Team booster (needed) New Creepy Crawler Then at the end of next month Spend £218 on: Profile on Ronnie with Mutiny Spokes Onza 18t Fixed cog Unless a 2nd Hand one pops up... :ermm: or if there's a way of bodging an 18t cog on a profile... B)
  9. You willing to sell your Profile with that rim? B) :ermm:
  10. Have done :ermm: Onza one at £18 should do...
  11. I'm not saying theres anything wrong with them, I just don't want to spend how ever much on a freewheel really... (much rather have a Profile) So what would I need? I'm likin'; the Echo cranks...18t sprocket you say? which one? Where from? etc etc... EDIT: looked on Tartybikes... :ermm: So it's going to cost me £273 to get it all working.... Might ask my Dad... B)
  12. Hoping to get About £200 this month from work because of the overtime I've done. Anyway... Looking about on Tartybikes and I really wanna get a Profile hub. But, I have those really cheap nast monty cranks with the fixed 24t chainring... and I'm wondering what size cog or whatever has the prfile got? (im running an 18t ACS at the moment) I'm guessing i'll need new cranks with the profile? Do you think its worth it? Or should I just run my ACS on the front with a 12t fixed cog? (don't really want a ENO...)
  13. That's because they're both Zoo copies...?
  14. meh...i thought it was weird...oh well... This is fun though... :ermm:
  15. Click Its well weird...mate just sent me the link on msn. :ermm: EDIT: Why not have more in here?
  16. Download the trial versions and get the serial number to get the full version. *cough* macromedia *cough* :ermm: They'll never know...
  17. As many others have said... Welcome To The forum Nice to know more people are starting trials...shame you started Stock though (N) (Joking!!) Just keep at it (Y)
  18. Very nice. Really liked it ^_^ 1 year 5 months :lol: That true? I need to get riding... :lol:
  19. Dan6061

    My Saracen

    The pics are linked to the thumbnail image imageshack makes. 6th edit coming up... :lol:
  20. Dan6061

    My Saracen

    Pic's don't work for me. And you could of posted it in the bike Pic's thread... :lol:
  21. I'd be up to do some testing. Not really the best of riders...but not the worst. I'm using a standard Onza rim (Dx32) which is basically smooth/very worn grind. :lol:
  22. Dan6061

    Dvd Player?

    I use my PS2 for my dvd player in my room. We have one in the living room too though. And I occasionaly use the PC. :lol:
  23. Dan6061

    Picture War

    not if the vice is glued shut
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