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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I'm left foot forward. I tried riding with my right foot forwards the other night, and it felt like the crank arm is a mile long! I don't see how it makes a difference though really... apart from different approaches to some lines?
  2. Typical that one of the Essex lads is straight in with help with this...
  3. Dan6061

    Pad Reviews

    Phat pads are amazing. Stupidly good bite, nice noise, loud, holds, works in the wet. - Perfect.
  4. The forks haven't been creaking since I painted them, I consider that as fixed.
  5. My mate had 'rich4130' so I had 'Dan6061'
  6. About time I posted up pictures of my Zona. Had a few changes recently... Spec: Zona Zip frame. Echo forks. - Small crack on the disc mount now! Profile hub on Kris Holm, Monty rear tyre. 04 Magura, Fresh Products lever, Phat Pads. Monty Stem, Trialtech bars. Tensile Cranks. 203mm BB7 with XTR Lever. Most recent change is the black forks. They were scratched and a bit battered, and seeing as my mate was painting his I decided to paint mine too!
  7. White tyres are awful! They just remind me of Barbie bikes.
  8. You should see it now, there's no chain tension! You need to update this Josh with the new spec...
  9. Mod rim? Kris Holm is the best 36h rim you're going to find, I love my one! http://unicycle.co.uk/shop/shopdisplayproduct.asp?catalogid=883
  10. I'm sure you can buy M6 to M5 helicoils?
  11. Thing's aren't right with the mrs. She's having certain problems at home, family issues. She's getting upset about that, getting into arguements/fights with her parents, then walking out and being upset, crying etc, and just walking about on her own not knowing what she's doing or where she's going. She's told me that everything around her is falling apart, and she just feels empty inside... I've had the exact same thing before, and it's difficult to help her. I felt empty for ages. I was having family problems, stuff at school wasn't right, found it hard to get a job and my mum was constantly moaning at me about it. I don't know how I fixed it though... I didn't have anyone to turn to for help really. I just waited for it all to happen, and see how it panned out. I can stop myself from getting into fights, I ask myself where it'll get me/how it'll help me before I do anything, same with arguements. Tried telling her that, but I don't know if it's helped... She just wants things to be right and they're not, so she's getting upset about it all, and it's effecting us. I said to her that I'll be here for her, whenever she needs me... That's all I could really think to say that might help. Don't really want to go for the 'Man the f**k up' approach, in true T-F fashion.
  12. Oh wow, one of my mates still has one of those! It's not complete thought unfortunately. I'd have thought it'd just be a standard axle aswell, certaintly doesn't look fancy to me. Pop it down to your LBS and find one similar.
  13. Me, Nathan and Josh are on it! Probably get some more locals out too. Should be good!
  14. I'd say it could just be dirt/grit somewhere. Between the bars and stem on the clamp, or on the BB splines, pedal axle/bearings... Anywhere! Give everything a clean up and service, see how you get on...
  15. I quite like it, need some graphics too though I reckon, just to link the three colours together.
  16. Haha, yeahs sorry it wasn't what I wanted to hear at the time. Then when I thought over it, it all made sense! So yeah, thanks for that.
  17. Yeah, you've actually got that spot on I think! I'm making the usual mistakes then I guess.. :/ thanks!
  18. We were going to spend today alone together, just the two of us. Then she asked if we could go out later, and I said 'yeah maybe' and she got all annoyed at me again. So i'm giving her space. I know it's a small issue if I look back on it, I'm the one doing my best to fix it! Man up blah blah blah... Yeah I know. Can you not think up some actual advice to try and help me? Being a fanny about it a being a 'proper man' isn't going to help me at all.
  19. Thanks guys. I don't know why she didn't ring me. I tried asking her but she took it the wrong way and thought I was saying she doesn't care. She doesn't open up and let me know her problems. When we're out with our mates, I'd be attatched to her and it'd seem fine. But now she's said that she feels like she can't do her own thing with her mates, cos she doesn't wanna upset me. But she won't! I thought she wanted to be with me like that, if she went off she'd come straight back to me, and I thought it was because she wanted to. Now I think she was just doing it to try not to upset me. That's the thing, she never tells me these things, so I just carry on because I don't realise that I'm doing anything wrong!
  20. What do you do when you hurt the person you love? On saturday I was having a shit day. Everything at work was going wrong, I went to work on my car whilst I waited for the missus to come out, and that was going wrong. I got a text from her saying she was free, so I started to walk to hers. I then get a text saying she won't be out til later. So that annoyed me a bit, cos she told me she was free. Oh well, i went and sorted out my mothers day present, by that time she told me she was leaving her house. I told her where I was, and she was like 'oh but i'm going this way' which was the opposite direction. I asked her if she could turn back so I could leave my stuff at hers, and she basically said no. I thought she was meeting her friends, which is why she wouldn't walk back cos then shed be leaving them... So it felt to me like shed rather see then than me, so I'd had enough. I started walking away and thinking, I zoned out and ended up walking 6miles home. I didn't tell her, I don't know why. I wasn't thinking properly. What I did, was leave her waiting in town for me alone. She stopped her revision to see me, and I feel so guilty for it. I've really hurt her, and Ive explained myself and apologised so many times. I'm trying my best to make things right again, but it isn't enough. It wasn't her I walked away from, it was everything. I just needed to be alone, I thought that's what I needed. I'm an idiot for not telling her. She's told me that she can't just forget about it, and I can understand that. I said to her that I'm going to give her some space now, let her see her friends and think over it all about us two...
  21. Good luck with that. I had a V brake on my mod, until I got a new tyre. Then I had the exact same problem! I made various different adapters, and ended up going back to a Magura in the end! They're just far less hassle on a mod...
  22. I saw 'S4FE G' on a pimp Audi Q7 in Birmingham ages ago...
  23. I had one which was alright... The lockring seized up on it, so it never came loose!
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