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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Try heating up the hose, boiling water? That'll expand it, and should make it much easier to fit. Then it'll 'shrink' back to normal size when it cools down.
  2. Try changing the refresh rate of your monitor. Or change the speed of the cursor so it's faster
  3. Wouldn't it all depend on the set up of both Zoo, and Zona you guys have tried? Like forks, brakes, etc... Never tried a Python so I can't really compare the two. But I ride a Zona and love it.
  4. 1) You put 'break pads' in the Topic title, and then 'brake pads' in the post 2) Try the search function 3) Don't use 'txt tlk'. Makes things so much harder to read for everyone else 4) Either: Plaz CRM, Koxx Blox brown, Heatsink blue or red
  5. The fact that i'll still be pissing about on bikes in years to come
  6. Wheyyy, Proper trials game at last! None of this motor-trials stuff For maps, just have stuff for hooks, some gaps, some big holes to jump over...
  7. Just shorten your chain Take out 1 or 2 links, and try again
  8. I quite like them My mate has one, bloody short, well easy to throw around, and his brakes work amazingly well. Smooth standard rims, with olllld black pads, and a tonne of brake dust! Locks really well But yeah, go for the T-Mag. My mates brother has one, they're perfect really, if you're into the old skool short bikes Still easy to throw around too Go for it
  9. I got some picture of a hamster, from a picture of my old T-Bird. Pretty good deal
  10. Dan6061

    Friday The 13th

    Unlucky, can't expect it to last forever, going by all the other ET24s . I had a brilliant Friday 13th! Probably know why
  11. Keep a look out on eBay. If you find it, and you know it's your bike, arrange to meet the seller to take a look at it. If/when this is arranged, get the Police to join you. Go in witrh a parent/adult without the officer, to check that the bike they have for sale is yours, then go back and get the police officer. Then sort it all out then That's what I did when I found my Zona on eBay a week after it got stolen. Best of luck finding it. It does happen, I got mine back alright
  12. You only have to go back 2 pages to find out what happened. And yeah, I saw you're bike when I went to get my one back. Don't worry. still got the stabelisers on, prety nice bike too
  13. What frame do you have at the moment? And try giving Tartybikes a call to see if they can sort you out with just the frame. They're bound to sort something out. If not, try Supercycles. I got my on from them, came pretty quickly
  14. Thread of the year, at the beggining of January. Beat That!
  15. Lucky for him me and some people off SDH go ahead with the plan of battering him for the bike then... Don't think it would have happened anyway, I'm not the type of guy to do that. Unless I had actual proof that he stole it, then I would of went all Bruce Lee on him Well, tried to anyway He was quite a big guy too
  16. Put the hot S up front. Get a High Roller or whatever the top stock trials tyre is now. I'm not really liking the rear red tyre, sorry
  17. Remember though, more to come. With finding the b*****d that stole it, fingerprinting the bike (if needed), going to court. Shame I won't be able to film the court case. Would be brilliant. If they do find the guy, i'll make sure I get a pic. Sorry about not filming it, wouldn't have been exciting anyway, how it turned out. The guys face when he opened the door to a Policeman, and the person 'buying the bike' holding many sheets of paper was rather amusing.. Was like put together really. And he was fat Just finished reading previous pages, many posts made me laugh Stuff you guys come up with...honestly Picturing the shoot out with me hopping around on curbs would have been brilliant, as long as I didn't get shot. PaRtZ- you've lost yourself 10p my friend Gutted. John - Nice to know it all ended well for you too, having to read around 6-7 pages of possibilities of what could have happened, to find out all is good. Onzaboymark- Thanks for making the topic for me, for some strange reason I thought there would be no point, becuase of Stolen bike thread. Nice to know I was wrong about that, and basically thank's to everyone, you all helped me out Rich- haha, only actually noticed the text when I was getting the statement done, replied afterwards. Was way too much to text out, and wanted everyone to hear the whole story from me. That's everyone who I can think to say something to for now..will edit more in. But all in all, CHEERS Will deffo have to meet up with you guys some time for a ride too. You can meet the man himself
  18. Dunno wh yi'm telling you this... but little.git is my username on eBay Only bad thing about the bike, barend missing, and they took off the Chavtastic sticker Rather have the bike then the sticker mind...
  19. I did haha, cheers for pointing that out
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