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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. 3 frames in 2yrs T-bird - T-Pro - Zona Zip
  2. I'd rather not buy a whole new kit Does anyone have these cymbals becuase I want to get them (as they have all the stands etc) I like the Zildjians, the ones on my mates kit sound really nice. But if these Sabians sound good too... EDIT: Just bought those cymbals. Question about the hi-hat stand still need answering Would one where the legs can rotate round be what i'm after?
  3. I'm after some new cymbals for my drum kit, as the ones on my kit (CB) are wafer thin and bent, and just sound rubbish. I want more then what I have already (hi-hats, crash/ride) and I've found these: Sabian 'Mega' Cymbal set As they come with stands etc, this would be brilliant. Are these cymbals any good? Also, I have a Stagg double-bass pedal on my kit, and the hi-hat stand's not working with it. I have to have on leg of the stand over the pedal for it to fit, which is awkward. What stand would be best for it? I have around £200 to spend
  4. EDIT: As I'm going to be asking more than one question, I have decided to make my own topic
  5. pssh, I'm wayyyy crapper Yeah, I posted this aaages ago. My face is like: everytime! Good stuff
  6. You could have edited the first post Ohhh...post count Yeah, They've cancelled it, so there's no need for a website i guess
  7. Listening to the program now, As i'm in the other room. Pretty weird. Kids at like 8 still breastfeeding Personaly, I would actually hate it! What's your view on it?
  8. I seriously hope you do have a firewall Try the windows one, you can access that via Control Panel
  9. Could try giving Cleanbikes a call... Can't promise anything though.
  10. This could be true. But wasn't there videos from Bin Laden saying he did it? Saying that, how hasn't he been found yet? If it was all the government, maybe Bin Laden was 'one of them' as a decoy sorta thing? And about the tapes being confiscated, maybe they took it to look into it loads ( I mean, LOADS) to try and figure out what actually happened, before letting the media get hold of it and 'half' looking into it and making people believe all kinds of things that may have happened. About the bombs in the buildings: maybe it was all set up during a long period of time? I mean, like what has been said, it would take ages to get one building (let alone 2) to fall that perfectly. This could also add up to it being the government, I know it's f**ked up, but it would have cost them shite loads more money if other buildings got hit. And think about it, would terrorists really care if they got more buildings when only trying to get 2? The whole Pentagon situation's really got me. The frames shown in the video show no plane at all, the mark on the grass only shows a line in which the 'plane' could have taken (decoy?) Also, in the video it shows the holes caused by the explosions, and how (whatever it was) plane could not have done that, and could not get through 9ft of concrete. So that could have been bombs as well? This is just all that's going on in my head, so what I think about it. My opinions on it etc. I can accept it if i'm wrong on this.
  11. Ever heard of that little thing called 'practise' ?
  12. Measure the BB shell It might even say it on the actual BB
  13. I'll get there soon enough
  14. What if you got some pressure behind your piss and it sprayed back? Do you just rest it on the edge bit for a bit of 'hands free' ? What if you're too short for it? Notice how in the pic it has the Mens icon thingy, well on the other side, is it for girls?
  15. Gutted. For future reference, have 'harder to guess' passwords
  16. Basicaly any bash will fit (aaprt from t-bird/t-vee) Such as: Echo, Onza, Zona (of course), Monty etc. I'd advise you get the Zip from Tartybikes, as all the hard wo0rk has been done by them for you. So no faffing about with bottom brackets, headsets, bashplates etc. What bike do you have at the moment?
  17. Use 2 rims at the back (Like Fatmike did/does) or whack them backon eBay, and buy a wider rim...
  18. 1) XTP wasn't one f the choices 2) Don't they snap easily?
  19. So true.. Sharkie and George..brilliant
  20. Mod: 12(rear) 18(front) 160mm cranks. Does the job
  21. Yup. Doesn't seem to work on my computer(s) at all...even when saved in notepad, and basically exactly how it is at school.
  22. ahaha, we tried that once, but only got half way. was soo much more fun Teachers face: Brilliant. Some other people locked a teacher in the cupboard once..only for a little while... And we blocked our form room door with a table, and no one else could get in ahh...goooood times
  23. we had: Gameboys, Yoyos, Pokemon cards, the whole wet toilet paper game, standing up then sitting down really quickly in assembly, playing with our velcro shoes in assembly . loads! wow primary school was fun! haha, Pokemon cards got banned becuase of kids crying becuase they lost their ones in 'fights'... Elastic bands got banned too (no pun intended) Humming in class was another one, because you NEVER know who's humming (still do that now ) And sending notes round in class saying 'start coughing at 11o'clock' or 'when 'Mr X' shouts AIR-RAID' dive under the tables' Good times...
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