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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. No it's not, you can the edge of the bottom of the 'F' And I guess it's an 'F' becuase all they have to do is take of the bottom '_' of the 'E' for the Echo ones. So they don't get in trouble Danny - I'm hating that gusset too
  2. It actually has a big 'F' on it.
  3. Dan6061

    Trials Course

    My mate has one set out in his back garden. It's pretty good. Has a brick wall, about 6 high, then a load of slabs piled up (bikes length) to piles of planks of wood going horizontally. Then a gap over a little path thing from the slaps. Sounds like nothing, but it's really fun to ride. Gotta love paint :
  4. Ahh...those were the days. K'Nex, lego, and Playmobile was where it's at Good times...
  5. Depends on the set up you go for really. You won't get as much power from a V as you would a Magura, but would still work well if you got the right bits.
  6. A while ago i got like 27" over a bar. Was chuffed Neeeeed to get my bike back
  7. Remember, the higher you are, the further you can gap. Do you mean static? bunnyhopping? 4ft high? etc? I've never measure how far I can gap...not very far anyway
  8. I'm 15, and I have a part time job in Halfords. Got it soon after work experiance. We 'deal' sharp objects, solvents, anything that could harm someone Seriously though, Halfords isn't that bad, if you work around christmas it's brilliant, usual pay +Bonus_+overtime etc. Got myself £300 before christmas, and £400 at the end of Jan. Does me alright
  9. 1. How the fack is he 'nerdy'? haha 2. If you haven't noticed, it's bloody cold out, so not everyone will be riding 24/7. 3. You loser. Seriously. Just keep it to yourself. 4. If you're going to offend someone, at least do it properly. ie, Spelling correctly etc. 5. Comedy value of this thread: 5/10. Try harder next time. 6. Oh wait, there wont be a next time! 7. Have fun getting banned. 8.
  10. "Who wears short shorts..." Gotta love 'em
  11. ooooohhh.... So what IS his signature frame?
  12. No I don't know him. And he looks about 12 in that pic
  13. It's spelt 'Agree' (wait to get flamed, and so on)
  14. My uncle got me a bigger version of one of those for christmas yeeaars ago. Well strong it was! Jumped it off my garage roof and everything! Then it 'broke' (you know what it's like when you're young, batteries dead - broke etc) I want one now... Was looking at those expensive ones we sell at work (Halfords) but a customer brought one in a while back, and had countless aounts of problems with it. More maintenance then fun he said.
  15. Yeah I could have beat you JT, But msn is gay and doesn't make it work form conversations
  16. It's more fun to moan on here then to just delete them. You people do know you can change their names yourself? Play about with the settings...could be a Plus! thing? EDIT: People with Plus! Right click on name - Messenger Plus! extras - Rename Contact EDIT MKII: doesn't workin the conversation
  17. Dan6061

    The Uk

    Oh dear people take these things too seriously 'Look at me, I can name 100 countries' Sorry
  18. Most shops have like £3 for all items posted. So you're getting ripped off if you bought say, a headset spacer. But a good deal on something like a frame.
  19. Google how to do it before posting on a forum.
  20. Should have posted it in trials-chat so it gets moved haha, brilliant.
  21. Haha! Classic I laughed when one of the woman said something like 'When i'm in the bath I have milk leaking out, It's like my bodies telling me not to stop breastfeeding them' One of my mates said that some guy with a 12" cock turned gay because he could fit it in the front..if you get me. I said 'whats up with the back door on a woman?'
  22. I hate it when people have really long (pointless) sentances, ie song lyrics written out in 'txt tlk' so you can't read a feckin' word of it. My msn name's just 'Dan...' never know what to put. I don't like 'sayings' etc as peoples msn names, because they're just rubbish! The joys of msn...
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