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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I was waiting for that. But I swear it's been below that some nights when my bikes been in't garage. Never frozen
  2. Sure you weren't using lard when they felt 'sticky and horrible' Yeah I use water in both my Maguras, s'all good. Stays in my garage overnight, never frozen once I guess it has to get forking cold for them, to freeze?
  3. Ohhh..but I bet you pay for that? - Seeing as it's a '.com' domain. The .tk domains have all the pop-ups etc (piczo sites are free)
  4. Look here for tyres - All Things 24"
  5. .tk have pop-ups, and gay ads' before you enter the site Not bad, for a piczo Get rid of all the 'lol!!!!!!!!!!!111' at the end of every caption in the gallery
  6. Why not have a monthly one or something? I've voted on them too Good stuff
  7. Dan6061


    Smoooooth 'Weeee....hahaha' Not as good as Bongo's..if anyone can beat that i'll give them a medal!
  8. Dan6061

    Picture War

    The switch blew up... (It was in the caravan)
  9. Dan6061

    Picture War

    They sent him to space.
  10. Updates for '06 eh? Sounds good. I started sidehops a while back. Got about 27" over a rail. You really do need to practice.
  11. Dan6061

    Picture War

    fag burnt his hand...
  12. Just try it yourself on an old wheel. Use a stone-cutting disk too, doesn't wear the rim as much as a metal-cutting one
  13. Good vid that. Music fitted well too. Porter on that rail is amazing! Good stuff
  14. You knows it Might be another one for sale
  15. You can't run Crawlers on your wheel. It just won't fit.
  16. Dan6061

    Picture War

    Can't write on a wet chalkboard
  17. I had it on my old phone, it's such a good game! But I can't find any websites that can send it straight to my phone, without sending me like 500 Texts costing £1.50 each! Help
  18. Some brilliant stuff there. Guy filming the jumps on a zip wire was beastly! Watch it!
  19. Use deodrant Litetrally runs off the rim like water
  20. He's banned from Forsale/Wanted section.
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