Mum (and sister) Have the TV on so bloody loud. Then complain when I walk in and turn it down. Seriously...I can hear it when i'm in the garage! She won't let me have the PC in my room, when I'm actually the only one who uses it. It's so annoying in here. Living room behind me, a big open gap, where these double door things used to be, between where the living room and dining room is. I'm in the dining room. Then she complains when I play my music too loud. BECUASE I CAN'T FECKING HERE IT BECUASE OF THE TV! Now, just recently, she bought a TV for the kitchen. THE BLOODY KITCHEN! Which is to my left, and another open gap. Then she has that on really loud, whilst the TV in the living room is on, with no-one bloody watching it. She always moans that I don't help her out, like walking the dog, cleaning etc. When I do more then my sister, and I get the blame. Plus she said the dog's too strong for me. When she's not. She moans at me for eating dinner late, or not eating it, or moans at me for eating dinner, then eating afterwards Step-Dad - Just moans at me for leaving tools everywhere. And I mean everywhere Which is understandable.. That's about it though..for him. Hardly ever see him, as he's a continetal lorry driver. My Dad doesn't annoy me at all. I don't live with him (Note: Step-Dad) But he'll happily give me some money when I'm in need of it. For bike parts, taxis to work, Bus fair etc. I know i've said alot of things about my mum... And she does annoy me a lot.. But she does help out. Like when my bike got nicked etc. She drove me about everywhere to track it down. And helped me out calling the police everyday while I was at school. And is basically my Taxi everywhere And..I am pretty lazy So most of it is understandable But we're getting better