Hope you get the same luck I did Ok, If you haven't already, write out a report for the police. Tell them exactly what happened, in full detail. Try and picture the bloke, and write dopwn his description. Then they'll want a full spec of the bike. Including a description of it. I could tell them exactly where all the scrathes were on the bike when they asked me how I could tell it was mine. And tell them loadsof other little bits too. If you have one, put your most recent picture of the bike there too. If you have any local pawn shops, Cashconverters etc, keep an eye out in them! That's where my one ended up! Also, search 'Zoo bike' or something like that on eBay. If it has a poor description, and you cab tell the person hasn't got a clue about it, then there'll be a high chance it's stolen/your mates bike. Also, ring the police every day. Always ask them what they've done so far. Should annoy them, and make them actually work, to get rid of you I'm pretty sure they were happy to see my one go back to me Don't worry, you WILL get it back. Just keep a close eye out. Let's just hope the dumbass got his trouseres eaten by the chain, fell off, had the knife go through his testicles, then fell in a ditch