I would have a look onto some sites, but i'm at work, and managed to get the internet for about 10mins. So I thought here would be a good place to ask, as many of you guys do competetions. Few questions. If there is, what's the average price to enter comp's? Where abouts are the held? -Or are the basically held anywhere? Is there a specific website I could look at, to see when and where they're held? I know for DH races, you need the 'Race license' - Anything like that for Trials? Or is it just pay and enter sorta thing? Erm...Think that's it for questions for now... I'm pretty sure all of them will, but just to be sure.. There is different comp's..Like Junior, Senior or whetever.. Do they do that in age, or ability? Do you get to ride the section before the competition starts? Do they see what you can do, so they can put you in like..Beginner, Junior etc? Cheers.