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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Never thought I'd ever say this... But i'd rather leave it to the americans!
  2. So 2 days ago, it's all working good. Router in my room, PS2 connected to it via Ethernet cable. Wireless adaptor in my PC in my room (too shit for a LAN port) and another adaptor in the computer downstairs. Somehow the DSL cable from the telephone line, to the router came out. After a lot of playing about with the Router settings etc, I noticed it was out. :$ All the settings to everything was the same as before, and it doesn't work. At the moment I've got the router downstairs, plugged in through an Ethernet cable. The Wireless adaptor connected to my PC upstairs can't connect to the network. If it's any help, it's a Netgear router I got from PC World. - Is that my problem? I tried re-installing the adaptor, systom restore to a frew days ago when it was all working. No luck. What's up with it now?
  3. My one changes automatically.
  4. Didn't people to dirt jumps on trials bikes at Koxx days?
  5. Forks look way better then those old Echo (?) ones.
  6. At least give us some informtion! What sort of length? Price range? Bashplate - Yes or No? Second hand or brand new?
  7. Jesus christ you guys like to argue! Back on topic. I use them on the front. Had them over a month. Got them from Tarty' Lock really well, but still have modulation. Sqeal like hell! Nice and high pitched. Done.
  8. I would have a look onto some sites, but i'm at work, and managed to get the internet for about 10mins. So I thought here would be a good place to ask, as many of you guys do competetions. Few questions. If there is, what's the average price to enter comp's? Where abouts are the held? -Or are the basically held anywhere? Is there a specific website I could look at, to see when and where they're held? I know for DH races, you need the 'Race license' - Anything like that for Trials? Or is it just pay and enter sorta thing? Erm...Think that's it for questions for now... I'm pretty sure all of them will, but just to be sure.. There is different comp's..Like Junior, Senior or whetever.. Do they do that in age, or ability? Do you get to ride the section before the competition starts? Do they see what you can do, so they can put you in like..Beginner, Junior etc? Cheers.
  9. Aren't the T-Vees basically the T-Birds...but with V mounts?
  10. Dan6061


    I had a dream once, where I bought some food from the Co-Op in my village, then when I woke up, I wondered where all the food had gone.
  11. Although what '6ft-midget' said still seems correct to me. You want to get the most leverage out of your levers, so if you're finger's wrapped around the lever, you wont have as much leverage. If that makes sense? If your finger's wrapped around it, he wont get as much power...sorta. It's hard to explain as i'm a 'tard. But hopefully you'll understand. Sure if he can't reach the lever at all, then undo the TPA, do up the little grub screw a bit, then do up the TPA (if needed) to adjust...
  12. Whichever suits him. See if he can have a go on someones, then see what he prefers. Or do some research, and see what Geo' will be best for him.
  13. Also, if you do things like this, You probably wont get validated quicker.
  14. Damn you Sam! I was gunna say something like that. You gay!
  15. Front ones a fine. Doesn't really matter what hub you have on the front of a get around. Rear one will be fine too. - As long as it's not for trials.
  16. Power - 50% Technique - 50% I swear we've had this topic before...
  17. Do Sunday instead. I'm working on Saturday.
  18. Dan6061

    Koxx Pads

    My Koxx browns were shat. They always slipped. And they wore down my grinds in like..2-3 days! - And I'm too lazy to put a gresh grind on all the time. With a bit of tar, they were OK. But I got plaz after that. And we all know whet they're like.
  19. What tubes are you using? I pinched an old one out of an 01 T-Mag. And a Halfords tube. - I got desperste..and I get discount. But I'm using another Halfords one now...3 for 2!
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