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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Then one member to rip it out of him for being a 'tard. Then 2 new members to say '0, jst koz u iz valdateed dunt meen u iz beta!'
  2. I think I saw someone who I rode with, with one of these? Jeza. Unless he ran front freewheel? I didn't pay attention.
  3. The whole lever would, but it'd be shit. - Plastic lever blade (I think) and no TPA.
  4. I know. IMO, It'd feel horrible to ride. Maybe a low Monty stem, with same bars and forks? I'm not a fan of those forks either, but they seem pretty strong?
  5. Just had a look on the Supercycles website, and saw the T-Pro Ultimate. It's new to me. And there's been no mention of it on the forum according to the search. The spec seems pretty good. Eno, Trensiles, Smart Guys with Front Louise, Hog drilled rims, Onza 30" CF Risers, T-Master stem. Do you think the stem's high enough? £750. Seems alright to me. EDIT: The post was all spaced out.
  6. What he said. Would be great if they were!
  7. I'm not liking the full build to be honest. I'd say it should have the T-Master bar and stem and different forks. Not worth the £500 to me...
  8. Ringing someone at the same time as they rang me, and we both got to answer phones! I'm to lazy to ring again, but they rang me after. Going to knock on someones door, they come out before I've even knocked, and they're about to call for me. Going out at the same time a mate does, meeting them half way Picking up my phone as I get a text. Sending someone a text saying like 'you coming out?' and getting one just after I sent it, from that person asking the same thing. Ummm... I'm weird.
  9. I've got one of those on my Zona, and it's fine.
  10. Hub might work a treat, but eengoeedidleedoodle doesn't!
  11. Those rims are a tad too bright for my liking. I'm not a fan of colour co-ordination. Like; Green stickers, MUST have green parts! I know mines got all black parts (mainly) But it's just simple. Enough of all these Green Pythons!
  12. Got the polish out? Noice.
  13. Yet another DVD Will it be availabe to order off the TM site? Or haven't you thought into it that much?
  14. ahh ok... I've measured mine. it's: 100mm/10cm/4"
  15. Go and measure it. At a guess, most of them will fit?
  16. 8th down. Not good enough. Do it to two wheels boy! Sly edit..
  17. Lets see this crack then Bessel... Ooold Skool.
  18. You shoulda invited the forum. Nice one anyway!
  19. Hope XC's seem quite popular?
  20. You gotta love 'em! I had some hobo-ish guy come up to me and some mates in Aylesbury, saying 'I can do all that! I used to be on Channel4 Sports! Gimme you bike an' I'll show you a 360 or summit?'
  21. Secon' pair a tensiles, an' I snap 'em up there!............bitch. haha.
  22. What the feck song was that?
  23. Those rims are blinding! Nice one.
  24. Do you want risers? (Guessing you do having a mod...) I'd recommend Zoo risers. They flex a little bit, but feel so nice. Nice and wide too. I'm sure someone else will agree with me. Onza CF risers seem favoured too. They're aluminium, with a Carbon Fibre outside layer.
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