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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Hey, welcome to the forum. First of all, your English is better than the majority of people's on the forum. And good things to start off learning: Trackstands. - Gets you used to balancing the bike, and gives you good control. Pedal hops - Hard to get at first, but is the key to trials. Backhops - Not really needed, but they're fun. Backwheeling - Like pedal hops, but onto objects. http://www.trashzen.com Probably the best place to learn stuff.
  2. 1.drivetrain: A.Freewheel B.cassette 2.bars: A.risers B.flat 3.brakes: A.dual disc B.front disk/rear HS33 C.rim brakes all round 4.bb/crank: A.sqaure taper B.isis taper 5.stopping power: A.ground rim and good pads B.good pads on smooth (with/without tar) C.relying on the pads to do there job 6.bike protection: A.bash plate / armadillo B.rock ring C.riding bare and hopeing 7.your protection: A.helmet B.your skull is strong enough 8.footwear: A.trials specific shoes B.skate shoes C. other please specify
  3. Dan6061

    My Bike

    Any chance of the usual 'side on' picture? None of this Myspace pose picture stuff? Looking good though. Too clean though
  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh... I have my pedals in the centre of my feet. I'll try this tomorrow, and post back if it works. Very decent find anyway, and good man for letting us know.
  5. Just got this in an email.
  6. I am at the DJ ride too. Thanks for all the reply's too.
  7. I just twatted mine with a block of wood and a mallet. And to remove it, screwdriver in the headtube, onto the headset cup piece...thing. The twat the screwdriver with the mallet.
  8. Yeah, loads of lacquer. It was Clear lacquer, if that makes any difference? And the camera quality is shizz.
  9. Hope that's not Black pads on a smooth rim.
  10. Not the best quality, but i'm sure they'll do. Pimpin' Olympia lever. Hope they don't come out too big...
  11. Looks pretty smart Biffay boyy. Green cranks don't look that bad..
  12. Nice one Bessellll. Top one's a beast.
  13. Always fun when then happens.. Unlucky for Tom and Danny though.. Unless they join in?
  14. Nice chain tension... Looking very nice though..all black bikes always look swish, then those rims.
  15. Adamants are nice. Especially with a high stem. Would sure take some getting used to at a guess, from having a Giant to an Adamant.. Ashtons seem to be a favourite too.. What about an Echo? Pure, Control etc?
  16. BMX's can be worth as much,or more than top-spec'd trials bikes. Even skateboards can be worth around £200. It's not the cost of the sport, it's how 'big' it is. You see BMX and skating all the time on TV, but Trials isn't as big. Which can be a good thing. It's near enough completely new to the public, so they nearly always stop and watch in amazement. And sometimes want to learn it themselves.
  17. Dan6061

    Big Brother

    Look at the 'eyes logo'. They're shit. And are both different. Surely a genuine one would look neater then that, and would have the logo the same on either side? EDIT: Check this out. Read the description carefully: See it? I made it black and underlines btw, and yes, it is the same picture as the other one!
  18. I did Higher. Reacon I scraped a C.
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