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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Is it just the lever blade? Or the whole body? 04 or 05?
  2. A few have snapped though. Don't let this hink 'ahhh they're shit!' 'cos they're not. If they seem a bit pricey, I'd recommend the '05 Echo Forged cranks. I use them myself, and have had no problems. I run Sq Taper too.
  3. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....topic=75623&hl= You've made around 10 topics aswell...
  4. Riding it...Might have been from learning stuff to front wheel? Those frames aren't really strong y'know...
  5. Not really.. My T-Pro craked around the welding inbetween the two tubes, at the headtube area, and around the welding on the gusset below. I got it welded up though...If I continued to ride it, it soon would've snapped.
  6. My mate had this problem... With the brake off the bike, wind down the TPA all the way out, press the lever so that the pistons come out, and spray WD40 on it. Then keep pressing the lever and spraying WD40. This should lubricate them, and should stop them from getting stuck.
  7. I doubt it. Judging by the state they were in at the Memorial ride. Wish I didn't work on Saturdays now...
  8. More than half the people on here wouldn't be able top use it... Nice idea though. Isn't there one in Kent?
  9. There is ways, but all the ones I know of are mucho awkwardness compared to a chain tool.
  10. There's this chav guy in my village. He used to go to my primary school, but he got kickedo ut or something, and is basically a retard. (One way of putting it ) He was with one of his mates at the skatepark, and I was just sat down on't bike. And whenever i see Ross (chav guy's name) I always just say "Alright Ross? Hows it going?" I'm nice like that. Y'know, just talking etc, and then Ross asked to go on my bike, Then he could tell I wouldn't let him, so he goes 'At least just sit on it?' ..alright then... "Where's the seat!" Then his mate asked to go on it, gave me his half pack of crisps and says 'there mate, you have me crisps now, so I won't nick it now" He got on, wobbled, then gave it back. Then they walked off. See, as long as you get to know them, they wont rob you. Don't worry, I don't let any old chav have a go on it, only if I know them well enough, to know that thew wont rob me. Especially after the Coach incident. But yeah, I have no idea why i'm posting this...
  11. You've got respect. Now get a helmet.
  12. Oftopic: But what's with all the brake mounts? 24" and 26" wheel or something?
  13. I knew that Nerf thing would all end in tears. So to speak... Budgens 4TW! Haha, I drunk so much Diet Coke with Lime I never saw the hot bird on the fag counter. Danny (mavic) was going to give her a Love Heart.
  14. Sorry, Should've been more clear. Getting the writing off. Now you mention it, what's with all the scalpels?
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