Ok, first of all, I have fooked up the pedal thread in my dirve-side crank arm, along with the thread on the pedal. Nice. I've decided to get an ISIS BB while i'm at it, so ISIS cranks it is then (obviously ) Been having a look about, and all the cranks I've seen are 170mm length. These cranks being Zoo, Echo, and then Tensiles in 165mm. Just wondering how much of a difference longer cranks would make to the 'feel' of the gearing. When I ha my old T-Bird with 170mm cranks, then went to some shorrrt Monty 219 cranks, it felt really different. As i'm running 160mm now, would 165-170mm make a lot of differnce? Or would it be barely noticeable? Also, which cranks would you lot recommend? I was looking at the Zoo ISIS ones on Tartybikes, £75 ones.. They alright? Also...Which length BB axle would I need? My Sq Taper one is 127.5mm..would the ISIS need to be that long? I'm using a front cog btw. Cheers. And sorry if i've rambled on poinlessly throughout the post, it's late, and i'm in a rather shitty mood...