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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I've had a few go's on my mates one, it's quite heavy, and just feels too short and 'dead' to ride. Might be becuase I'm too used to my Zona... But personally, I don't like them. I just felt too crouched on the bike. But that's simply riders preferences....
  2. Oh my... I really do like this. The colours look the sex. And it's all shiney and new.
  3. Wasn't exactly 'weird' but it was funny, and all I can think of... I got my jeans caught in he chain, slowly rolled to a stop, and fell over. Was well good.
  4. Nice and silver. I like it.
  5. Trashzen: If you can, attach the Freewheel tool onto a 24" breaker bar, and pull like mad! worked for me at work. On topic: Which axle length would I need for my BB? Zoo ISIS cranks, Plaz front cog... Any help?
  6. Try looking in Temporary folders? Or open up Word again?
  7. Dan6061


    Run a virus/spyware scan. That could be the problem..not the browser itself.
  8. I either say my bikes wayy too cool for a seat. Or I actually tell them why it doesn't have one. I guess they underdtand when they see me ride...
  9. Cool. Any ideas on what these are like in comparison to Creepy Crawlers? Wear rate, grip, foldage etc?
  10. edit How anyone can enter their house, log on to a computer (Remembering their password if necessary), open internet explorer, go on trials forum and use a keyboard and a mouse to any level of compus mentus when absolutely pissed amazes me. They're either faking it to look cool or not drunk enough
  11. I'm guessing these are 2.5s aswell? Doesn't say in Tartybikes' description...
  12. When I sprayed my frame myself, it cost me around £22 for all the stuff. (Might have included discount?) This being Nitromors (Paint stripper), 1 can of primer, 2 cans of the paint, and 1 big can of Clear Lacquer. All from Halfords. 'Tis good stuff.
  13. Ok, first of all, I have fooked up the pedal thread in my dirve-side crank arm, along with the thread on the pedal. Nice. I've decided to get an ISIS BB while i'm at it, so ISIS cranks it is then (obviously ) Been having a look about, and all the cranks I've seen are 170mm length. These cranks being Zoo, Echo, and then Tensiles in 165mm. Just wondering how much of a difference longer cranks would make to the 'feel' of the gearing. When I ha my old T-Bird with 170mm cranks, then went to some shorrrt Monty 219 cranks, it felt really different. As i'm running 160mm now, would 165-170mm make a lot of differnce? Or would it be barely noticeable? Also, which cranks would you lot recommend? I was looking at the Zoo ISIS ones on Tartybikes, £75 ones.. They alright? Also...Which length BB axle would I need? My Sq Taper one is 127.5mm..would the ISIS need to be that long? I'm using a front cog btw. Cheers. And sorry if i've rambled on poinlessly throughout the post, it's late, and i'm in a rather shitty mood...
  14. I've never bothered/dare bleed it with anything other than water.
  15. Got my Dad a card, and Hustle season 1 on DVD. Got my step-dad a card and thanked him for all the lifts and everything, and how great he's been over the years. But sadly, he died this morining. Sucks.
  16. Sure all the bolts etc are done up? Check the Slave cylinder for cracks, maybe you did the bolt up like he-man and cracked it. I did that.
  17. Looks too thin for my liking. Maybe if Onza made the tubes wider, it'll look a lot nicer? I'm liking all the little ideas though...Ridge in downtube etc...
  18. I'm unsure if I like it or not... It looks different, which I like. It's just super chunky and looks really heavy... I'm probably wrong.
  19. My form thing seems to have froze at 'Finding the mutant...'
  20. It's working. Just decided to give it a go, and it worked straight away.
  21. I love videos like this. Happy tune, nice laid back style, and smooth style. Really liked that one.
  22. I might be coming along. If I sort out how i'll get there, and if I have enough money.
  23. First of all, congratulations. If you honestly don't care, then don't worry about it. If it means a lot to your wife-to-be, then get her to talk to her parents about it all. If they still don't come, it'll be them missing out.
  24. Pretty much is yeah. Keeps the rest of the forum looking tidy with proper spellings etc. And keeps the spammers and scammers out. Just remembe nor to so sell in New Members, and put some effort into your posts. Meaning: Capital letters in the right places, spellings and punctuation. EDIT: Meant not to sell....cheers Threesixty. :$
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