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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Got the right cup size BB in your frame? Not sure if that could be the problem or not..
  2. If you haven't got the tools, take it to a local bike shop, and get them to replace it. If its a square tapered BB in it, you could get something like a Shimano UN52 for £11.99 off Chainreactioncycles. Or from the shop, if they have any. Costs money to make money.
  3. All down to inside leg measurement. Not how tall you are.
  4. I really like these '04 Pures. Just not my mates one, becuase it's been raped by Porter, and is scrathed to fook. The whole bike that is. But this one looks all shiney and new.
  5. Dan6061

    Joe Elding

    Joe your too good. We should ride somewhere soon, reading, Oxford or somewhere? I'll actually ride and taslk this time. :$
  6. Million, Billion, Trillion, Pillion, Willion, Sillion. Pisssss easy.
  7. Thank god my one's legal. And I have the CD for it.
  8. Have different shades of blue? Will go with the rest of the forum.
  9. I think 'Spelling Bee' is Mark...
  10. Forum didn't work for me a min a go. Thought all this was starting then. Got me all excited for nothing.
  11. Topic on Boosters (And pads) Made few hours ago. If it's any help?
  12. We don't know how many there is... ..they're not on the forum.
  13. You could grind the rim yourself. Just get an angle grinder (obviously ) and a stone cutting disc. i tried grinding a bit of my rim once, but I pressed it on too hard, so I let my mate do it now. I guess Tartybikes could do it for you..but that's a lot more hassle!
  14. How much are you looking to spend on each? Are you willing to grind your rim? Or keep it smooth? I'd say Plaz CRMs for a grind, mine have lasted aaaages! Over a year I think, they started wearing, then just...stopped. - £17 from Tartybikes. Zoo pads for a smooth rim, maybe with a bit of tar. - £18 from Tartybikes I was riding with Sam Wheeler yesterday, and he had Zoo pads on a smooth Viz rim, made a very load noise, and locked really well! For the booster, either the £20 Echo one as mentioned, Echo Team 2 bolt, Echo Control 4 bolt, or Heatsink. All good boosters. There are plenty more, but they're the main ones I can think of right now. One thing about my booster (Echo Team): When I stripped the threads in my brake mounts, I took it to a local engineer, and he looked at my booster spacers and they were callapsed. "Cheapo aluminium shite" is what he called them. So he made me some stainless steel ones! And they work really well, and wont collapse like the Alu ones. If you can, get that done from a local engineer. Cost me £20 for him to helicoil all 4 mount threads, stainless steel booster spacers, machined out my mounts so the spacers fit, and to clean the holes, and gave me some steel bolts. Oh, and he drilled out a rounded bolt!
  15. Exactly. Nice one lads, We'd be lost on the net without T-F! We'd have to resort to OTN! Like we do when T-F crashes... But yeah, cheeeeerrrrsssss
  16. They're trying to make the forum a more pleasant place to the younger members parents etc. Where as you... tut tut.
  17. I'm not a fan of coloured parts. Hubs are alright, and pads. Doesn't look any different to all the other Zoo's.
  18. Ok, so if they're stupid enough to have shit etc on their PCs, surely they wont have a clue what you were going on about in the first post?
  19. Depends of the compound of the paws used. Say, brand new creepy pawlers.. (sorry ) then it'll be alright. Something like the old Monty tyres or Lunas would be shit. (from my...cats...experiance)
  20. This thread is brilliant. Cats so...seriously..well good at trials. My ones can hook our cupboards..which are pretty high in comparison.
  21. This topic actually has no point whatsoever. 1. You can't spell. 2. Half the people will say 26", other half 20" 3. What about 24"? 4. Why does it matter?
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