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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I wanna see her ride downhill on that bike. No brakes, fixed drivechain, mega fast, standing on the bars. Or backwards with 1 hand and 1 foot.
  2. Yep. I got confused a little at first. Becuase of some big words used , And how you started reviewing a video, then going to a rant about the forum validation system, then change of mood to 'I know you're doing a grand job' But still, I say you'd be worthy of validation.
  3. Dan6061

    Airgun Forums

    Do it properly.
  4. I'd also say the Giro Havoc. I got mine from work (Halfords) for about £30? Also, guy above, no images in Signatures. Just before it gets removed.
  5. Dan6061

    Abbingdon 2006

    Really like that one. The music really went well with the video. I like the way the camera just scrolls past everything, not focusing on anything in particular. Just what the viewer watches.
  6. Any chance of shrinking it that tiny bit, so we don't have to scroll a tiny bit of the page? Looking well nice anyway.
  7. I've never bothered getting stuff done under Warrenty. It's either not broken, or just ragged and no point bothering with replacement.
  8. There are no winnings. Apart from the satisfaction of winning a silly bet, ina silly thread.
  9. 5. Place your bets..pleace your bets!!!!
  10. Limey, CK headset, Tensile freewheel, FSA Plat' Pro BB, Tensile Urbans legends - £349, Oh noes! But Limeees is shit because dey snap!
  11. Nice. What frame is that? EDIT: Didn't read the title properly.
  12. Hang on...You said when you hold the front brake? Pads wobbling. My Magura does that.
  13. I have some Inopias. Ones off Tartybikes. Were really grippy, then the sole started to wear down quickly, and they're rather flimsy. Fold around the pedals. Had them a fair while though...
  14. Sounds worthless and shit. I'd give it a miss.
  15. Dan6061

    Broken Xtp

    What's the wheelbase? Before, and after?
  16. Lazing in the sun... And this one, taken on my phone, with a Dr. Pepper bottle infront of it.
  17. Looks niiice. Liking the old skool Megamo too. What is it with Monty's and the hole in the headtube?
  18. Just sat and watched that a couple of times. Really liked it. I just sat and stared at it, then words make more sense and seem deeper each time. Probably because i'm tired, and I was staring at it with a blank stare. But still, really liked it.
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