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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Cheeeeeerrss. Did that earlier, spot of tar, works well! And squeaaakkkssss!
  2. Nice pics there Besselllll. Weather is great...for a change...
  3. May have been bought as a gift for some little shit. And they don't have a clue about anything about it?
  4. Looks like a T-Bird/T-Vee frame now. Looks better though.
  5. As above. That clinder doesn't look that new. And you've got the notepad in focus, instead of the cylinder. Macro turned on or something? Oh and..erm..gutted.
  6. Yeah, but weren't they using 1 pawl at a time? Much skippage?
  7. Been using Fairy liquid and water, and some oven foam stuff. I might buy some new Plaz when I get money..
  8. Already tried that, had a harsh grind, and the grind wore out faster then the pads! Couldn't even see brake dust!
  9. Ok, I've had these Plaz pads for over a year now I think, and they've barely worn. They've been on several grinds, some of which have been quite harsh. And 3 rims. They just don't lock. I've got some Zoo pads at the moment, and they're wearing fast on my worn out grind, and at a funny angle. So I wanna use these Plaz again. I've tried de-greasing them before, and filing them down a bit to get dirt off, but still no luck? Is there anything else I can try to get them back to locking like they used to? I don't really want to have to use tar all the time, or keep grinding my rim. They used to work super good, even on a worn grind!
  10. Free 'try out' dial up Cd's ***? My Dad used to do that with AOhell, then after a year, they wanted a bill! But he gave them no billing info, name, address or anything. So they couldn't do anything.
  11. DJ memorial ride and Garden opening in Abingdon. Big Oxford ride i organised. Loadsa people came, and I rode well that day. Getting all the basics dialled. And now. I'm slowly improving loads. Commiting to it more than I used to, and finding other lines where I ride everyday. (skatepark in my village)
  12. They work awesome! (I have some) Just don't use them on a grind...they wear...quickly! I grinded the rim when I had my Plaz, then changed to Zoos.
  13. If you've ever bothered to try Lock-on grips, get the little clamp thingys off, and put on on before the grip, then do it up at the end of the grip. If that makes sense? It works anyway.
  14. Dan6061

    Skins ?

    I was too used to the normal one, so I didn't use it. This updated one's quite nice...
  15. It might look a bit better if it didn't go right across the downtube... Has an older Echo Team look to it...Nice and simple.
  16. Dan6061

    Wtf Is This?

    I thought Leeson had Pat - pending on the 360 drop outs or something? And bleeding that Magure must be fun...
  17. It was Porter's before it was his. Got a small crack too!
  18. Few from today... Again, in the village. - Was sunny today though. We did go to Buckingham (local town) But I forgot my camera. I like this one, except for cutting off his arms, the the grass being bright!
  19. That picture is slightly worrying...
  20. This one. And This one. Fit.
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