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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Undo the bleed bolt on the cylinder (5mm allen key). Fill up your syringe and pipe, and screw that in the hole. Then undo the small bleed bolt in the lever (3mm allen key?) Then pump the syringe until there is only water oil coming out the lever. Keep pumping the syringe slowly, and put the lever's bleed bolt back in. Then undo the pipe in the cylinder, and put a drop of water in the hole, then put the bleed bolt back on.
  2. He's tucking the wrong way...
  3. Dunno if it's been said before... But someone told me that you can just run the Evo mounts upside down so that they fit on the 'U' brake mounts?
  4. Dan6061

    New Bike

    That's soooo nice! Go scratch it!
  5. My sister passed her test today. If she can do it, anyone can! Trust me. Good luck.
  6. How can the hose rust? Magura Hoses are plastic. Basically all the insides of Maguras are plastic, just spray some WD40 on the pistons when they go shit.
  7. Looks niiice. None of these colourful ones, with random red parts everywhere. And who's the guy who sprayed his Zona Zip Blue! What's it like with that Zoo stem? Mine has Echo Team...
  8. 'tis a bloody good deal! Supercycles are selling loadsa stuff for well cheap on eGay!
  9. Dan6061

    Christmas 2006

    1. Christmas is good, becuase of the whole point of it. Giving, and recieveing. But then again, it is bad. Eating a tonne of Turkey, it being cold, brakes freezing etc. 2. I haven't thought about what I want, It's the middle of July! 3. I buy anything I see for other people. If I think they'll like it, I'll buy it for them. Makes shopping more fun if you don't know what you're there for.
  10. Shit stickers is the reason mine got sprayed. And the icky grey colour. I love my Zona. I like your style...buy it, then ask about it.
  11. Gay. It took me ages to get my 4X right. Cheers Mark.
  12. Wouldn't 4X be stronger though?
  13. Ok, truing's not hard, just frustrating. Especially when you're a 'tard like me, and round off the nipples. You sure the spoeks are the right length? And you wanna build 4X.
  14. The T-Pro's good... Everything else has been explained already...
  15. Have fun trying to understand him. And paying the phone bill... Why not do this 'Massive order' through Tartybikes, or another distributer? Or is it a shop you're starting?
  16. It's easy to do once you get the lacing right. Truing it is the hard part.
  17. Colour parts ***? I'm surprised the cogs and spacers aren't coloured! Anyway, It's up to you what colour part you go for. it's your bike, not ours.
  18. I've had those. I stripped the pedal threads, on the crank arm, and my V8 with those. And partially stripped the threads for the crank remover tool. Pretty good cranks though...
  19. I don't really care for weight... Might be why it's light?
  20. From my own experiance... My bike got stolen/fell out boot of bus, whatever. I found it on eBay a few days later, and added that to the report i had just gave the Police. The police were doing f**k all, from what I could tell. So I contacted the seller, like i was interested in buying it, and asked if I could come take a look at it. He happily said yes, and gave me his address, and phone number. Idiot. So I gave that to the police. Few days later, we arranged with the police to go there to get it back. So first of all, my mum and I went in, like I wanted to buy it, just to make sure that it was mine. I had to think how we could go back to the car, to tell the police officer, so I said "Is it ok if me and my mum just talk this over in the car?" "Yeah sure mate" Then I told the policeman, we went in, with all my evidence, and got her back. Turned out though, that they guy had bought it from Cashconverters(He worked there...still had his uniform on when we went there) And they never found out who took it. But yeah, whoever's it is, I'd suggest you do what I did. Ring the police all the time, to find out what they've done, and what they're doing!
  21. It's a good idea for BMXs, but I'm sure that it stops the cogs getting chewed up by grinds etc? I don't think it's very common that the rear cogs get hit in trials...
  22. Do the bolts up? Might need some new cylinder washers..old ones can get all crumpled and shitty.
  23. Dan6061

    Gu 1100

    Halfords foam grips ***!
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