From my own experiance... My bike got stolen/fell out boot of bus, whatever. I found it on eBay a few days later, and added that to the report i had just gave the Police. The police were doing f**k all, from what I could tell. So I contacted the seller, like i was interested in buying it, and asked if I could come take a look at it. He happily said yes, and gave me his address, and phone number. Idiot. So I gave that to the police. Few days later, we arranged with the police to go there to get it back. So first of all, my mum and I went in, like I wanted to buy it, just to make sure that it was mine. I had to think how we could go back to the car, to tell the police officer, so I said "Is it ok if me and my mum just talk this over in the car?" "Yeah sure mate" Then I told the policeman, we went in, with all my evidence, and got her back. Turned out though, that they guy had bought it from Cashconverters(He worked there...still had his uniform on when we went there) And they never found out who took it. But yeah, whoever's it is, I'd suggest you do what I did. Ring the police all the time, to find out what they've done, and what they're doing!