Ok, while I was in Wales, my Magura was playing up. I set it up, so the pads were the same width apart from the rim, with the TPA all the way out. As I wound it in, the pads would go in together, then when I pull the brake, one would come out quite far, and the other about 1-2mm? I've just taken it off, cleaned up the pistons with WD40, re-bled it several times, and as I pull the lever, one will come out before the other. like 3-4mm... I've also held opne piston in, as I pumped the lever, and the other piston does go all the way, then I do it to the other. Should I take the lever off and oil that piston up aswell as the slave cylinders? The lever and Cylinders are only a few months old, so I wouldn't have thought it'd be those causing the problem... EDIT: I thought it was sorted. I cleaned it all up with WD40, and rebled it until it was perfect. Yet the pads still don't move together? With the TPA wound up to how I like it, one pad will be 1mm off the rim, the other 3-4mm. Help.