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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. She does my head in, always whining etc. After seeing those pictures though....
  2. Dan6061


    Whats the width on these? Same as the older ones? Any idea on price?
  3. Nah, mine's clean and simple. Would look nice along the top of each page. And it was a 1min job in MS Paint...
  4. That's brilliant! A tablespoon might be better, not as long, so it'll keep the chain closer to the chainstay.. Ooh, with a fork, if you put the nut and bolt through one of the fork bits, you could adjust it so it can slide up and down... In the picture: red bit = the bolt, and the arrows show where you can move it up and down to adjust it, the green bit shows where you can also have the bolt. [attachmentid=6438]
  5. I liked that. Music was pretty cool, nice one.
  6. Maybe this, on a larger scale?
  7. Got some wiiiiide disc mounts... Nice though.
  8. Did you read the message? The service is unavailable, so try again later..kinda tells you what to do.
  9. Car's gunna go bang soon... Nice one lads.
  10. Dan6061


    orrrr...Stick with their/your old frame?
  11. Looks a pretty 'old skool' spec, but a good one at that. I'd say go for it. Could probably get around £200+ for it if you re-sell it?
  12. 1) Yes you will need a new hub. At a guess, your hub wont have the disc mounts on it. A good one to go for is the Hope XC. Basiclly the same as that Echo one, but half the price. 2) '32h only' means that that the hub only comes with 32holes. So you will need at 32h rim for it. But pretty much all front rims are 32h, so nothing to worry really. 3) If your forks don't have a disc mount on them, then you will need to change your forks. Stock forks - Echo urbans seem good. Really light and strong, with 4 bolt mount and disc, or V brake and disc available. - I think. Two of my mates use them, and have had no problems. Mod forks - Echo Easy/Lite forks are good. Nice and light, but not the strongest. Come with 4 bolt mount, and disc, or disc only mounts. Or Echo Team forks. Nice and strong, I think they're pretty light? Bit more expensive than the Easy's...
  13. I have an Avid BB7 sat in my daw in my room, just gotta wait for my wheel to come. But, my mate has one on the front of his Adamant, and fook me is it nice. It modulates if you're really light on the lever, but then it just locks! I'll tell you what mine's like when I get it on. Hopefully tomorrow if the postman likes me.
  14. Ooh, Me and Josh and possibly Rich will be there. Was a good ride in Bangor. You should get the bus to Milton Keynes aswell, not that bad there...
  15. The one in my room. Surrounded by crap, PS2 below, and stickers.
  16. I like this. Wayyyy too short for my liking. And the brakes come to the bars!
  17. That was well good. Didn't know you were that good Will..
  18. An ACS Claws will be fine on the back. They only come undone on the front, because the lockring undoes itself when you pedal. But because the freewheel is being ran the other way round on the back, it wont undo itself. I think an ENO will undo itself on the back, becuase of that reason, but reversed? Same for the Tensile FF, and Try-All one..
  19. I'd just get a Hope XC. Around £40, and you won't tell the difference between that, and the Pro2. - At a guess..
  20. Harshest grind I've had, was when my mate used a grinding disc, instead of a cutting disc. Lastes aaaages! with my CRMs. Oh, point the grinder upwards, vertically, so the side of the disc hits it. and just rub round. Try that?
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