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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Doesn't look too bad that. Even Park Tool stuff can break. We found this out at work, raping one of those huge BB tools with the handles, breaking chainwhips... Halfords Bikehut tools aren't bad. I bought them 'cause I get it on discount But the Allen keys I got are really good, nice length, none have rounded to date. I got a multi-tool aswell, which has allen keys, T25? torx bit (for Rotor bolts) chaintool.. * Everything else I use ParkTool. * I am in no way advertising Halfords here, I am merely making a suggestion of budget priced tools for members of this forum. I am only suggesting Halfords tools becuase I have only had experiance with these, cheap shit, and Park Tool.
  2. Don't use LimeWire. It's naughty.
  3. Nice pics. Wish I went/remebered about it now..
  4. If you've barely used your current bash, there's not much point spending money on something you're still not going to use. Keep you 22t one.
  5. Was good that, I swear that song has been used in another video recently... Your technique for drops is..weird. You just hop straight off it, but land super smoothly. None of this 'drop the front wheel first, then land backwheel first' malarky there.
  6. Looks like a Zona to me. But I'm sure that the Geo' is much different...
  7. I sometimes ride on my own, but just becuase I get bored at home, so I pop out for a bit. Nearly all the time I'm riding with Rich who lives up the road, or I knock on my mate who skates, and we just go to the skatepark fr a bit...
  8. Did you take the pads off to take the wheel out? Maybe you put them on a different way to before. Left on right, right on left..etc.
  9. 170mm rule. I went from 158mm Monty 219 cranks, to 160mm Echo Forged, now i'm using 170mm Zoo cranks. Feels so much better, the gearing feels perfect.
  10. I haven't started yet, and i'm 16....
  11. Lose that stem and all those spacers! Will save a alot of weight, and will look much nicer. Takr the rear rotor off, and get those 'Burns on!
  12. Oops..I forgot about this. Sorry Alex! Maybe we could both get the bus to MK, and have a little ride there or something?
  13. Got a pic/video of you doing this? I wanna see...
  14. Nothing will rust. All the insides of Magura HS33/HS11s and plastic. The oil that you're supposed to bleed it with just cleans up the seals etc, that's why when you took all the old oil out, it was all black and crappy, instead of the blue 'Royal Blood' mineral oil that was first put in it. Water works fine. I use it in my Magura. It has froze in the winter, but I just left it in the living room overnight, and it was back to water, and felt better. Put some anti-freeze in there, or use Mineral oil.
  15. Deng will give up. And Ali C will get his own way..
  16. EDIT: hahaha..I quoted, forgot abit it. then posted here. :$ umm... This wall will do?
  17. For the back: "The bike infront is a ................. " (Like the Toyota thing...)
  18. Superman returns: At the beginning, where the guys shooting Superman with a machine gun thing, and all the bullets are bouncing off him. Then he shoots one at his eye, and it goes all slo-mo, and the bullet squishes flat, and falls to the ground.
  19. hehe. As someone else said, some different forks on this would look well nice, but if it rides well...
  20. Just shows it's been used. Haha, cheers guys. Works super nice. I might fill in the screatches sometime..but it'll only happen again so.....
  21. Dan6061

    Dodgy Email

    "($10.500,000) Ten Million Seven houndred thousand united states dollars" Silly scammers.
  22. Don't over do it with the red bits, because it'll look reallytacky. And send the Hope headset back, it won't fit because you have an internal headtube. (Meaning the headset sits inside it, so sticking outside) Looks nice as it is, I say leave it at that.
  23. New front wheel: Black Hope XC on Echo Rim with Black spokes. New front brake: Avid BB7 with Old Ad3 Lever. Click pictures for full size image.
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