When me and my mate were riding around our village, we found this box hut thing, can't explain it. But it was just under 6ft high, so we climbed on top, and dropped off it. He done it first, then i climb up, mate passes my bike to me, and a guy stops in his car, watches me drop of it, then gets out. "Alright lads, erm..I'm the local police officer, and you shouldn't really be doing that here" "oh, sorry, we didn't know you were a policeman, we're not damaging it or anything, it's only our tyres" him - "Oh yeah I know that, just that if i find this does get damaged, you could be to blame for it." Then he got in his car, and said "Looked good though. I didn't think you were going to do it". haha. Pretty cool, we were lucky he was off duty I think...