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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I liked that. Nice bail...fall, grab the bike, walk away.
  2. So is it not possible to run Windows on that computer? Or will I be able to delete Linux, then install Windows?
  3. Get Zoos. They're so nice, good length, have nice rise, and feel quite 'flat' compared to bars like these: But yeah. Get Zoos.
  4. Best way to do it: Get a mudguard bolt (or sililar) off an old bike/anyones bike. Cut the slot in the HEAD of the bolt. Screw that bolt into the brass square thing the red knob is attached to, and it should kinda lock onto it? (mine did) Then assemble the lever back together.
  5. Yeah I was wondering that. What's the Linux thing all about? I'm thinking of going for that one, then getting XP for it... Downstairs computer has XP Home. I have our old and realllyyyy shit computer in my room, and it's really slow and annoying. Even with only windows on there.
  6. I love my Zona. So fun to ride. It's easy to do everything on really, Geo seems perfect. It's quite long, but it suits me best.
  7. Because I want one for my room. What about this one though? any good? You said before it doesn't come with windows... [attachmentid=6839]
  8. Like I said, it'll just be for general use. The PC i'm on now only has 256mb ram, and an 80gb hard drive...does the job. i was looking at Dells, but they start at £299 from what I could see. Might go for that one off eBuyer you showed me. EDIT: Is there any PC shops that would sell any half decent computers for around £250? PC World etc...
  9. Don't know if it'll work the same for you, but when i got my BB7 on, I rode around for ages with it on, untill it got really hot, then poured some clean cold water on. It steamed. I just repeated that untill it was mega grappy - bedding it in... Try cold water instead of warm water? I've also heard that putting the rotor in the dishwasher de-contaminates it, and boil the pads..
  10. I've got an FSA Platinum Pro. Fitted it no problem, and just forgot about it really. It creaks, but that's just me not oiling the tapers/whatever. Was only £35ish from CRC I think..
  11. I'm after a pretty basic dektop computer, just for genral use. Such as: Pictures, Music, Internet etc. No online gomaing or anything... I've only got £250 to spend, and don't want to 'wait to get more to get this super dooper mind blowing computer for £15393...' Was looking at this Acer Aspire SA80 I know it doesn't come with a monitor, but I've already got a pretty good Dell one in my room, and I can get speakers. Seems ok to me, for £224... Any good? Any other makes and models I should be looking at? Also what shops? I found this Aspire just by a quick search on Google... Cheers. EDIT: Just found this one, seems a better spec then the other one to me...
  12. In Wales I filed my rim, so it was smooth but clean, then rubbed my pads on the file a bit, just to get the crap off them. Worked a treat. Or (as said) Warm water and a spot of Fairy Liquid works. or Cillit Bang!
  13. I went to Halfords Bikehut. Basically did what everyone else in Bikehut did. - Serving customers, building bikes, repairs etc. Then i got offered a job there too.
  14. Ahh right, are ENO's, Tensiles reverse thread? or the same as Try-Alls?
  15. I always thought it would loosen itself like ACS's do on the front? As the lockrings on ACS's are 'normal' threaded, so they undo on front freewheels becuase..........blah.... So as the lockring is reverse threaded on Try-Alls, it would undo itself on the back? For basically the same reason as the ACS...
  16. I've had my plaz for well over a year now, and they're still nice. Been on 3 different rims with grinds - light, harsh etc, and have still been great! They've barely worn too! When I got some Zoo pads, the Plaz had literally 3mm less meat? If that? They went all crappy, but I grinded the rim, and got a file to the pads and sanded them slightly to clean them up, and they were great again! Think I might get some Onza Citris ones soon...only £11...
  17. Double it's half. I think my T-Poo was around 1000 wheelbase? That was with standard forks... So yeah, would be around that if it's standard, 1020 max maybe?
  18. MsIsles would ride shite for trials. My mate has one built up for dirt, rides so nice for that, but it's designed for that. You'll be much better offf buying a good trials specific frame.
  19. Dan6061

    My Tuesday Night

    That's awesome. Really impressive quick thinking and commitment to saving the guys life.
  20. I use one of the old AD3 levers. Feels nice...
  21. I bet the picture was taken at the right time, to make it look like he's 'on' the wire.
  22. I've got some of those in my room...
  23. Dammit. I thought Mark was drunk then.
  24. Onza Ronnie. - My one dented and cracked on a kerb. haha. Tyre kept falling off on verey dent aswell. Kris Holm ***.
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