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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Film it, say "Hi, I'm doing research for a scientific arguement about what would happen if say..I was to eat this *hold up dictionary* dictionary...........etc..
  2. Just like eating Rizlas..same sorta paper...
  3. I'm pretty sure paper is in no way good for you. The ink from the paper will (probably) poison you. - Not good. Get some good video footage.
  4. Nice riding. - Got very repetatitve throughout the video. Pallet gap, front to back, sidehop, gap.....etc. The editing was good, except for your name appearing every 10s. Got annoying. Liked it though.
  5. Sure it's the booster? Try cleaning out the insides of your brake, and give it a fresh bleed. Happened to me before...
  6. Brakes freezing W00t. There'll be around 25 topics in NMC asking why they're brakes are freezing, and saying that Maguras are shit. Snow videos. Anyway... I'll still ride, when I can be bothered. I don't really like riding in winter, it's too cold, and doesn't put me in the right mood. I've noticed myself improve over summer though, I just got a 'boost' kinda thing. Just improved on everything. Which is nice. Nice topic. Can't think of much else to say, so i'll leave it at that.
  7. But...For the same price as that Echo hub, you can get a T-Master hub built onto a Ronnie. HERE. They're on order though...
  8. Dan6061

    The Bell Law

    It doesn't actually say that the bell has to be mounted to the handlebars... You could put it under your seat (if you have one) Or somewhere...
  9. Can you get them in trouble on eBay for that? Seeing as it's mint condition in the pictures presented on the selling page...
  10. In the first picture you linked, it looked like a 24UK with 1100wb, and 26" wheels... Looks wellll nice though.
  11. When I want to use the printer on the computer in my room, I need the other PC on...I don't like it. Is there any possible way of accessing the network without the other computer on?
  12. Snaaaake: - Click for full size pic. Pictures a bit dark, the lighting was crap, and I didn't want the flash on. I also have 4 cats, and a dog...but i'll get pics of those later.
  13. That's soooo nice. Nice to see you've got a bike again. And what a bike to have.
  14. Onza T-Master ones are good. Sealed bearings, takes fixed rear cog. Comes in silver, and black Nice and smooth too. http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?id=102
  15. Do you still have the T-pro forks? If so, you'll need some Disc mounted forks.
  16. My mate did this. 24" wheels gives you faster acceleration...?
  17. When you bled it, did you have the TPA all the way out? When you set the brake up, have the TPA all the way out. Loosen the mount bolts so the cylinders are loose. Then get 2credit cards (or something thin) and put those inbetween the pads and the rim. Push the clinder against the credit cards while you do the bolts up. - Make sure the pad is flat on the rim. Do this on both sides. When you're done, your lever should come back to the bar, now just do up the TPA untill it's where you want it. If it's still at the bar, re-bleed it.
  18. Kris Holm. Super strong rim, 36h. I've hit it harder than I did my Ronnie and it hasn't dented. - Whereas the Ronnie did. Bought it from Unicycle.com. - They ran out of stock in the UK, so I got it from Germany. - Came within 2-3 days, and I even got some sweets.
  19. Got it all working now. I put my XP cd in, and set up the networkvia that on both computers. Setting up all the shared files etc now. Cheers Poopipe.
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