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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. OTN has Australia too... Don't know of any others though...
  2. Sure the cassette bit isn't loose? Try tightening the big silver bit up.. I'm useless with names on Profile hubs.
  3. Looks so much better now. How long untill it'll be fully built?
  4. "Dan was arrested for aggravated phone harassment of something like twelve people."
  5. My mate had one of those (Came with his 'burns) He managed to snap the chainring... And he's only learning. I haven't seen anyone else have a problem with it, and if it does break, just send it back to Middleburn?
  6. Snails cams wouldn't work in a Zona Zip frame, as they don't have the holes in the dropouts fot the small bolt. Normally, you screw a small bolt into a hole at the end of the dropout, and the snail cams hit that, and as you turn the cams, the wheels moves back because of the shape of the cams. Should seem more obvious if you look at the cams. I use gusset tensioners on my Zona, and they can be a pain in the arse sometimes. - The plate that the wheel bolts/axle goes through has bent. - Can make it harder to set it up, and I can't bend it back as I don't have a vice. If you can, try taking the Echo snail cams off, and just use your tensioners.
  7. I'm pretty sure it would still have the warrenty.. Unless it doesn't cover riding it? If you do snap/crack it, I think you'll have to send it back to the original owner, so he can send it to the manufacturer with reciepts etc...
  8. Had this in my room earlier, it soon walked off...
  9. hahaha. On the DJ ride, I remember seeing you on a green Echo Pure..and guessed you'd built that up for 4x or something.. I dunno. Nice pics anyway.
  10. 04 Echo Pure 4TW. - Isn't it? Looking stylish..
  11. Plastic bit that goes on the cylinder, and helps clamp it in the mounts. I use electrical tape on one side of my Magura, works well.
  12. Adverts on the tele. Just getting into a good film, and bloody 30mins of ads come on. Then you foget what just happened in the film, or what the hell you were watching. They should have an 'Advert channel' Everyone that likes adverts, can just watch that for hours.
  13. You definatley have a DVD-Rewriter...right?
  14. Mr Wright never fails to ammuse with his bullshit.
  15. Dan6061

    Fuji S5500

    I use re-chargables. They had just been charged too! arrgghh...
  16. Get an ACS for the back. They don't come loose on the back.
  17. If you ever get validated, you'll be able to report stuff. Oh they joys of reporting. But seriously..I dunno why you guys don't have it...
  18. Dan6061

    Fuji S5500

    Just been trying to take pics outside (in the dark) Had the flash on and everything, but it didn't work everytime. - Even when i waited about 5s before each pic? I used the flash when I first got it, and it worked everytime after 5s... Anyone else had this problem? What should I do?
  19. If new members could post In ForSale/Wanted, then they'll basically have the whole forum in NMC. We need some sort of reason to get validated. And seriously, it's not hard to spell properly, and take care when posting.
  20. ahh feck. I searched 'name the song' 'song' and something else.. lol Sorry guys.. me and a mate were playing it on MSN, thought it'd be a good topic.
  21. Basically, one person says some lyrics, whoever gets it right gets to choose some other lyrics for people to guess. Rules. Don't make it impossible, Use bands/whatever that people might recognise.. Try not to cheat... Lyrics: And I'd stay for ages, if i could To wake you I'd stay for ages, If I could To wake you Hope it's easy enough to get us going... I searched for a topic like this, but nothing came up.
  22. Dan6061


    Ahh wow. I love my Kris Holm rim. I've twatted it on many occasions, with fairly low pressures, (And i'm 11stone) and it's not dented.
  23. You know you're only supposed to bump topics every 24hours. Not minutes. Anyway, is it for a mod, stock, 24", 26" Mod? (Guessing Mod, as your profile says so) If it's for a mod, and you have enough money, I'd say either go for a rear Profile and fixed front cog set-up. I have a Profile on the rear, bought it 2nd hand so it'd already bedded in. Hasn't skipped at all (i've had it months) never had to service it or anything. If not, go for something like a Tensile/ENO (Tensile's cheaper) freewheel up front, with a fixed hub and cog on the back. EDIT: Oh yeah, frames. How much you got to spend? Short or long? Any particular 'style' you want? Long - Zona Zip. I have one, and fecking love it. It's nice and flicky because of the short chainstays, and is perfect for everything. - Sidehops, gaps, front to back, spins etc. Seems pretty strong too. (Only the proto Zip frame has snapped so far) I prefer long mods. Being 51 11", I seem more comfortable on a long mod, then I do on a T-Pro. Not as cramped. Short - T-Pros are nice. I had one before my Zona. And it was very good for learning on. Geo was nice too. Nice and flicky, and good for gaps etc. I cracked my one though... Monty 221pr - Pretty cheap frames. I think they're exactly the same as the 221Ti (Apart from colours, and the complete builds) I've read so many good reviews on them. And I haven't heard of any cracking or snapping. Echo Lite - Everyone seems to love these. they say the geo is perfect, and is really nice to do everything.
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