When my bike was stolen, and when I found it on eBay, the guy had a pretty good description of it. And I knew for sure that it was mine. As there was NO other Zona with that Spec. When I contacted Tartybikes about it, they told me some guy rang up asking how much a bike with a certain spec was worth. - My bike. I'm guessing he searched 'Zona Zip' on Google, and then found a link to Tartybikes (as they sold them still at the time) So this guy could've easily done the same, searched 'Koxx' on Google, and found out some basic info' on the bike. If it is anyone's bike on here, I hope it ends up like my story did. Also, Koxx's don't come in red, do they? Surely the 'custom spray job' would be described in the description? Unless it has a very shit spray by this guy... EDIT: Just noticed he put those cranks as '165mm' When they only come in 160, or 170... Sent him an e-mail, basically asking what the name of the sport is called for that type of bike, the model name of that 'Koxx' frame, what BB is it? what forks...