The Zona frames do seem quite heavy. Not sure on the exact weight. - Maybe Mark will weigh his, if he'd be so kind... I love my Zona. Feels the perfect length to me. (I'm 5' 11") Just sits on the backwheel nicely, and is nice and flicky. Just goes where I want it to. From having a T-Pro frame before, the Zona does feel different, but in a good way. My Zona's wheelbase is 40mm longer than my T-Pro was. T-Pro had standard forks, Zona has Echo Lites/Easy's. It doesn't feel mega long though, becuase of the slightly high BB on it. The short chainstays makes it so nice on the backwheel, and flicky. - As i've already mentioned. It's strong too. Mine's got a small dent in the downtube, becuase of me twatting it on some solid wall! No cracks or anything! - Surprising for an Onza. Yes the stickers are horrid, and they're lacqured on. There is a topic somewhere telling you how to get them off both coloured frames. - I tried this, and buggered it up. So I sprayed mine. No point in not buying the frame, just 'cause it has 'gash' stickers. Just go for what you think suits you best, then lose the stickers if you buy one. As someone else has said in the topic, £170 for these is a steal! Mine took around 1-2weeks to get delivered, but that was from Supercycles afterall. Was very happy when it came though. No scratches or anything!