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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I reckon Zoo or Monty bars on that would be better than the Echo bars. And as someone else said, get a KMC Kool instead of that Gusset one.
  2. Onken chocolate mousses.
  3. Get both. Or the long, if it'll feel anything like a Zona Zip..Get the long
  4. Finish Line Wet Synthetic Lubricant should do the job. For a quid less, Bikehut stuff is the same.
  5. Get that black crank sorted. Looking noice.
  6. System restore? Reboot Windows/OS Virus scannn?
  7. Sure you didn't make the mistake when ordering? I did when ordering my wheelbuild. I meant to click the Hope XC front hub, but clicked the Hope Monolight instead. I noticed in the confirmation email, and let the guys know straight away. Instantley got a reply back, and it was sorted. As someone else has said, people do make mistakes. Especially when it's you and one other person running a whole business.
  8. I know..round rims are so last summer..
  9. Well I didn't have a problem with my BB threads, and that was when I put one in when I first got it, and then changed the BB a while back. I can't say I've heard of anyone have a problem with the BB threads...
  10. Rode MK on Sunday with some mates, had a laugh... Luckily the weather was good. The face. Nothing special really, just thought I might post them anyway.
  11. If I know them, and know they're alright, I'll (sometimes) let them have a go. Afterall, they're only going to ride it round in a circle, pull the brakes, fly over the bars and say "Those breaks are good!"
  12. The Zona frames do seem quite heavy. Not sure on the exact weight. - Maybe Mark will weigh his, if he'd be so kind... I love my Zona. Feels the perfect length to me. (I'm 5' 11") Just sits on the backwheel nicely, and is nice and flicky. Just goes where I want it to. From having a T-Pro frame before, the Zona does feel different, but in a good way. My Zona's wheelbase is 40mm longer than my T-Pro was. T-Pro had standard forks, Zona has Echo Lites/Easy's. It doesn't feel mega long though, becuase of the slightly high BB on it. The short chainstays makes it so nice on the backwheel, and flicky. - As i've already mentioned. It's strong too. Mine's got a small dent in the downtube, becuase of me twatting it on some solid wall! No cracks or anything! - Surprising for an Onza. Yes the stickers are horrid, and they're lacqured on. There is a topic somewhere telling you how to get them off both coloured frames. - I tried this, and buggered it up. So I sprayed mine. No point in not buying the frame, just 'cause it has 'gash' stickers. Just go for what you think suits you best, then lose the stickers if you buy one. As someone else has said in the topic, £170 for these is a steal! Mine took around 1-2weeks to get delivered, but that was from Supercycles afterall. Was very happy when it came though. No scratches or anything!
  13. White spirit would only make your brake worse. It leaves an oily residue on the rim. - Slippy slippy! Use something like warm water, and washing up liquid. Buzz that around the rim, then blast it off with some water.
  14. I heard on the news that they weren't shwoing it untill Hammond is back.
  15. I find they only ask if you're not riding...
  16. They're REALLY short. My mate has the 2000 T-Mag - Same frame. It's so short, quite nice to ride though. Goes where you want it to. But looks horrible.
  17. http://www.danoshea-photography.co.nr/ Just finished filling up all the archives. Was going to have a javascript gallery on each page (With the help of Simon) But i'll see how this design goes. I've only been doing photography for a few months, just for fun. All of the riding pictures are from Milton Keynes today. All the thumbnails are linked to a 1024X768 size image. - Just click the thumbnail to see the bigger picture. EDIT: I know about the 'close ups' thumbnail linking back to the homepage, when I have time, i'll get some good pictures to put up there. I did try, but they came out blurry, and weren't that good anyway.
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