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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Erm...what? I don't ride like a pro, so I shouldn't ride? Don't understand what you mean by that.. Cheers though.
  2. I am. I like my bike to look nice. No random colours everywhere. (apart from the red tape on my grips...) If the brake rubs, it'll piss me off. So I unwind the TPA, wind it up again. if that doesn't sort it, i'll set the whole thing up again. It barely gets muddy, so I never clean it. Bike Pic.
  3. Ahh right. Could be. The way it came across to me, was that he was saying we haven't been attacked at all...etc...
  4. Dan6061

    Zona Zip

    By internal, I mean a 'normal' BB. Chainreactioncycles have a good range, Tarty sell them aswell.
  5. We did get attacked. 07/07. London bombings, buses and trains. Remember?
  6. 24" is aimed more at street riding. Spins, etc. But can still be used for everything else (excpet comps) Ashton ET24s were popular. Really nice to ride, but cracked and snapped easily. Not sold anymore either. As '6ft-midget' said, Leeson make and sell custom frames. Just give them a ring, i'm sure Clive could sort you out. 24" trials specific parts can be hard to get hold of, as that area of the sport is much smaller than the rest. 24" Maxxis High Rollers etc are available, and 26" front disc forks can be used. (Although my mate did have some steel Pashley forks with the mounts moved down) Apart from that, bars and stems, cranks, everything else is the same as you would get on a 26" trials bike.
  7. I didn't notice either. Sorry Mark. I haven't seen as many arguements etc recently though...
  8. Depends on the size of it, the location, the facilities there.. But £5 - £10 a day would be alright....
  9. Take the brake off, and the pads off, pull the brake so the pistons are out, then spray WD40 or use cycle oil on them. Then pump it.
  10. Dan6061

    Zona Zip

    It is really close. I wouldn't really advise trying it..I'd go on the safe side and get an internal BB...
  11. Dan6061

    Zona Zip

    Same shell size, same BB, samer freewheel.
  12. I know. And for the record, I didn't take that pic... I only made it for somewhere to keep my pictures, and makes it easier to show my mates etc. I'm still learning..
  13. Dan6061

    Zona Zip

    Will be fine with a fixed cog. As they're not as wide as freewheels.
  14. Dan6061

    Zona Zip

    Shell size is 68mm. I use a FSA Platinum Pro in mine. 68X118mm. Available here. If you run front freewheel, That Echo external will not work at all. You need an internal (normal) one in there. I'm guessing it's ISIS you have, seeing as you linked to an ISIS one...
  15. Are these clamps so you don't have to use the plastic cylinder washers? What's the advantage of that? Would it be better for holding the cylinder? Would it make brake set-up easier to do? I'm not having a dig in any way, I actually want to know.
  16. Yeah. I think I do that. I don't actually know... haha
  17. Hop on back wheel, tuck, then as I hop I press my chest against the bars, land front wheel slightly first, then tuck into it - as I land. I'm left footed, and sidehop to the left. EDIT: Just a though...when you sidehop..do you have any recolection of actually being in the air? or do you only remembe being on the floor, then on top of whatever?
  18. There should be a happy birthday section of the forum... Happy birthday.
  19. They should just helicoil them from the start.
  20. I hope you mean 116mm.. Isn't 110mm for front hubs?
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