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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Can you not just talk to her as a friend? Tell her straight that you don't want another relationship with her?
  2. All the best for him. Hope he pulls through.
  3. Smoooooth... Nice one, try and land a little smoother next time.
  4. Well, we were all rather drunk when we started, but most of the time, someone will forogt to say 'G'Day Bruce' back, making them 'Sheila' or whetever... It takes too long to actually get the drink, but it's the only one I know. :$
  5. One I played at a field party.. Takes a while with a lot of people, but good drunken fun. You all sit in a circle, all named 'Bruce' then you all have to say to the person to your left 'G'Day Bruce' then they say 'G'Day bruce..' then to their left they say 'G'Day Bruce!" If someone f**ks up, then then become Sheila, then any other approriate stereotypical Aussie name. Winner gets the drink...
  6. My Plaz' CRM's are loud now. Dead grind, tinyiest bit of tar around the the rim (almost none) and it's as loud as ever. Locks brilliantly too. And they're around 18months old... I know any pads will work with tar, but I've barely got any on my rim.
  7. I live near MK. Not bad for riding actually, quite a few good spots if you hunt around... Can't ride this Sunday, but probably could next...
  8. Are the pads hitting the rim perfectly flat when you brake? Try giving it a fresh bleed aswell.
  9. Point being? It's not quantity, it's quality. Seriously, have a good read of the guidelines.
  10. That's becasue you haven't been validated. Click here and have a good read.
  11. Looks well nice. I'd never have thought red and gold would be a good combination, but it works. What's the wheelbase of the long Toxsins?
  12. Damon Watson's video makes me want to give up. I usually look for a video with more style to it, more than repetative drops, gaps and taps. Any video will get me in the mood, aslong as the weathers good. Or if i'm not doing anything, and then start thinking of a line or move I want to do, i'll get well hyped up about it.
  13. HS11 - Plastic lever, and body. If i'm not mistaken. Less power then the HS33 from what i've felt of them. Not as nice feeling on the lever. Feels spongier, and just horrible really. Not a TPA like the HS33's, as said before, they have an allen key bolt to adjust lever pull. The calipers (bits the pads are on) are the same on each brake. It's only the levers that are different on the two models. So whoever it was talking about needing new ones because of the 'bodge' job, no need to change. You'll be replacing the exact same thing. HS33 04 - Again, same calipers, different lever. In my opinion (and many others ) the 04 levers feel much nicer compared to the 05+ ones. The TPA's brake, but there's a simple bodge, that I have successfully used. The lever blade feels nicer on the fingers, they feel 'rounder' than the 05 levers. HS33 05 - As above. But a different lever. The TPA on these is in the lever blade (sorta ) than sitting on top like the 04s. I've seen a few people brake the clamps on the lever bodies, which isn't good. On the plus side, Deng's got a load of colourful lever blades for these. Umm..hope that answers any questions you may have on those..
  14. Keep the Team stem and get some Zoo risers to go with it. My T-Pro was lovely with that set-up.
  15. This is what I do, but this is a tiny sidehop.. Hopefully that .gif works?
  16. It is 'GU Video 1' right? Will edit once i've watched it.
  17. You'd be too scared to go out with them..They;ll rip it out of you for wearing the wrong shirt..
  18. On the Chit-Chat page, Look at the topic name, go along to the left a bit...waheyy. Number of posts. Click that.
  19. Click on the number that shows you the amount of posts. Tom132 - 24 Scopse - 17 Poopipe - 15 Top 3.
  20. ohhhhhh... Doesn't come across on the internet too well without smilies.
  21. Try cutting around yourself in each layer with the polygon or magnetic lassoo tool, and have just that as each layer. So the first layer is the whole pic - of you starting to gap.. Then the rest..is..well..the rest? If that makes sense?
  22. That was insane. :bow:
  23. Prison. Ermm..weird video. haha
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