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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. I made one a while ago..(click) 2FPS. haha
  2. Avid BB7. None of this hydraulic oil messing things up..Cabless.
  3. That was awesome. Very smooth styles and nice lines. No repetativeness (even a word?). I like.
  4. Thinking about it, if you know a welder/can weld..you could move the mounts down a bit? Seeing as it's (probably) a steel frame?
  5. Easier method: Clamp the freewheel tool in place using a long bolt, and a big washer. - Won't slip now. If the tool has a wrench fitting, get something like a 24" breaker bar, and just hang off it (cranks clmaped in vice/whatever) If the tool needs a spanner, add the spanner, then find some wide tube to use for more leverage, or try and add the long bar. That's how we done it at work to my one anyway...
  6. Sorry, but when you say things like this: Then it comes across to basically everyone as they don't work full stop. But it does, and we're only letting you now how.. Anyway... I like the idea, if you can get the holes in the perfect position then you're laughing. Just gotta make sure that the mounts you make still have adjustments and have the pads still hitting the rim perfectly. But i'm sure you know that... Nice.
  7. BMX frame = BMX Wheel. Not a 19" trials wheel...
  8. Calm down... My mate's tried it on his BMX for a day, he said it fitted fine, just didn't work well (black pads..chrome rim) EDIT: To add more... Did you try it with a bmx wheel? Or that mod wheel in the pic? - Just wondering..before you explode with rage again..
  9. No doubt Steve'll send you a free pair of pads for the delay. He'll even post in here telling you what's going on, and apologise for the inconvenience.
  10. They do upside down on a bmx, with a bmx wheel.
  11. Try changing the spacing on the adaptors?
  12. Dan6061


    How do you change the gamma?
  13. My ACS felt like enough engagements to me. Like JT! said, you don't need any more than what you've got.
  14. Dan6061


    The flag was waving because it was on TV. I'm certain that no one can prove what was going on with the flag, so my answer is as good as anyone elses. I voted Yes on the Moon landing, few things pointed out in the video made me think about it as a conspiracy. Undecided on the others...
  15. Just thought I could figure that one out on PS. I cut all of the shapes out of the 'full' one, and moved them to the same order as the one with the hole..yet there's still a hole.
  16. Don't understand the V's on them... Maybe a rear HS33 and whatever disc brake is on the T-Bird? - For the T-Pro. I guess it's because everyone recommends T-Pros as a first bike, and not everyone has £420 lining their pockets. Seems a good selling idea to me. Could always sell the adaptors for a few quid. Dave/Adam, Is the 07 T-Pro made out of U6? Or 6061 again? EDIT: Actually, all they really needed to change on the T-Bird, was the drivechain. Front freewheel.
  17. I found that problem aswell, but I made them on Dreamweaver, don't know another way. I'm pretty sure it's possible on Photoshop..but I don't know how.. Simonnn...
  18. Pete Wright created Hope. He just didn't want all the glory.
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