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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Just to let you know, you're only supposed to bump your topics after 24hrs. Not 10mins! Any colour will go with black really...
  2. Pete said 'Fatmike' instead of 'Ali C' (Read his quote.)
  3. <Todge asked me to remove it.>
  4. £70ish for something you'll twat on a sidehop? Get a cheapo mech...does the same job..
  5. Zenith's seem the way to go at the moment...?
  6. What about the Onza adaptors for wide rims, plus the V adaptors?
  7. It depends on if you want a long, or short frame. As there is a big different between the two. I have a Zona, from a T-Pro. And it's a lot longer, but feels so nice on the backwheel etc. Zona - Onza. The first lot of T-Mags cracked and caved on the front bashplate, but i'm certain that Onza strengthened that with a gusset. Any frame can dent, there's a small one on my Zona's downtube where I knocked it on a wall..It happens. Choices of frame are personal preference. Try and have a go on a T-Mag, and a Zona (or Zoo...) and see if which one you prefer.
  8. Not exactly free is it...
  9. You probably wont be able to use the same spokes again, unless you're getting the same rim. Different lengths and all that.
  10. I'm up for it, if i can switch weekend days.... Might need a lift...
  11. Cheaper for the manufacturers to get hold of? (using 20" wheels) Sure you already know this, but we have the smaller rims, to use bigger tyres (Diameter is still 20") so we don't rim out... Stock's are just silly..
  12. Especialy if they talk how they (the majority of them) type...
  13. You've forgotten the New members...or don't they count?
  14. Everyone should have to have a namebadge with their T-F username on it.
  15. Try cleaning the rim. Oven cleaner and warm water often does it for me.
  16. 16, started at 13. Been riding 3yrs come November. I'm shit.
  17. Dan6061


    Just put up with it. My ones went like..white..so it was easy/painful to just rip them off. That hurt equally as much, but hardened.
  18. Friday the 13th prank maybe?
  19. They're not made anymore. So you'll need to get one secondhand. (Dave/Adam at Tartybikes told me that..)
  20. Only one way to find out, but only for yourself.
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