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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. For that Echo hub, any screw on cog will fit. You'll want a 12t on the back, Onza/whatever. Then for the front-freewheel, you'll need specific cranks with the freewheel thread on them. Like these. For the front freewheel, get something like a Tensile, ENO, Monty. Front specific freewheels. Screw it all on, set the chain, and you're sorted.
  2. Personal preferance. I run a 160mm Avid BB7 up front on my Zona. - Mechanical disc brake. And a Magura HS33, Plaz pads on the back. - Hydraulic rim brake. Ali C will tell you to get a V. - Avid Ultimate.. Becuase he prefers them compared to a Magura.
  3. Wiggle. - £62.99. - 160mm rotor. Wiggle. - £67.99. - 185mm rotor. Wiggle. - £71.99. - 203mm rotor. Cheapest place I found. Plus the free delivery came next day for me.
  4. Sand papering it is a good way to clean the rim..will scrub off all the crap on it, and will make it shiney again. My mate filed his rim to clean it/sorta roughen it up a bit for more grip. He has Zoo pads, so grinding is a no no...
  5. Nut+Bolt. Then file it down? Tap the thread, or helicoil it. (as said above) The thing with helicoils..( I think) is that it can only be done if the thread ends. Not like a threaded hole. if you get me? The inserts stop at the bottom of the thread, then you knock the bottom bit out, and it stays in place. Unless there's a way to do it in a 'hole'.
  6. Sealed bearings. Nah, with unsealed bearings, they do tend to get grit and shit all in them. I never bothered with the cages in my unsealed hubs. Just give it a good clean with WD40/whatever, pack it with grease, the use loose bearings and then fit the cones and casings. Let it wear in a bit, and should feel nice.
  7. I'm left footed, and sidehop to the left. Feels way more comfortable that going to the right. I try going that way, and end up diagonly and retarded. What are you doing at the moment? Get a video or something if you can, or describe it...
  8. In a word. Yes. My mate ran one on the back of a T-Mag. Was fine.
  9. Dan6061


    Ashton only gave his opinion. Like everyone does on here... You don't have to do what he says, he doesn't control us. If you disagree..then just do that. Don't start saying he hates trials and wants us all to be the same blah dee blah. He could've meant it in a friendly, jokey kinda way?
  10. If you still have it, open up the install file, or re-download it. Open it up, and it should give you 3 options. Install, Repair, Remove? Try repairing it.
  11. Not the Members Bike Pics sub-forum.. Click the link I gave you...That's the New members bike pics thread/topic. You should see it at the top of the main new members chat page.
  12. There will be a lot more power from the Hope. It will probably grab straight away, and will generally feel nicer. Bessell's had some problems with him, lazy pistons, rubbing etc so I believe, he's now going for an Avid BB7. I have a 160mm BB7 on the front of my mod. It's perfect. Easy to set-up, takes no adjustment at all once done properly.
  13. How is the T-bird better? The T-Pro has a front freewheel drivechain set-up. - Better gear ratio than the T-bird. Easily upgradeable. Better frame geo'. I'd go for the '07 T-Pro. Will have to wait a while, but worth the wait! And for £350..can't go wrong.
  14. Arch Rivals really aren't worth it in my opinion. I had one on my T-Bird (Back in the day ) and it was shit. Felt spongey all the time... As Ali C says, Ultimates.
  15. As above: Front - Yes. Rear - No. The wheel would constantley slip about with QR on the back with the horizontal drop-outs.
  16. How come you didn't just get a 1/8th Kool in the first place?
  17. Not allowed to sell in NMC. I think the 'deary me' was becuase you should know that by now.
  18. Sick. Was good to see some lines there, not just doing one thing, then next clip. Mental stuff though.
  19. Well good video. Smooth style.
  20. Dan6061


    Haha sorry...Ashton's column.
  21. Dan6061


    What's the article about Ash? Help us non-MBUK readers out...
  22. Dan6061


    Anyone going to try it? 'The Trials-Forum Paedo Patrol'
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