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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Also looks like a Base, Onza T-Bird...etc. Doesn't mean it is one though. T-Pro's look like a Koxx XTP...They're not though.
  2. "..........luke licks donkey balls' C'mon...most of the stuff said on here is 10X worse than that. Just laugh it off? Go ride.
  3. Nice one. The only reason I said Wiggle, is because when I was getting mine, CRC only had rear 203mm ones..
  4. Avid BB7 160mm. Got one on the front of my mod, and it's perfect. Wiggle. £62.99 - I got mine from here, with the free delivery (2-5days?) and it came next day. Keep in mind this is only the rotor and caliper, Cables, and lever will have to be bought speratley.
  5. Both is fun. I find natural harder..I've only really ridden rocks in Wales. It's well fun. Hard because it's all uneven, bumpy surfaces, more concentration etc. Street's fun too though. I'm trying not to get into all this 'Gap, tap, and sidehop' craze that's going on. I try different lines and stuff...
  6. They're not Mission forks. They're bent Onza Lite Guys. Bike looks nice actually. Especially for like.. £55? haha.
  7. Looks the same as the '06 to me. Nice though.
  8. Dan6061


    Who's to say it's going on that machine? Could be for a different one, that the RAM is compatible with. Keep thinking that, and flog it.
  9. Most people thought what they posted here. I was impressed though..better than me..
  10. Oh right. I always thought as it was a lubricant spray, it'd just shit-up the brake? I used Addidas anti-perserant to get tar off once..was scary how well it got it off..
  11. To make it more affordable for beginners. Everyone on here will recommend a T-Pro as a starter bike, and not everyone has £420 lining their pockets, so they've 'downgraded' it to V's... They could work really well though...you never know. EDIT: They have 4 bolt mounts. They have Onza 'Magura - V' adaptors on them. So Maguras are still available.
  12. Dan6061

    Avid Bb5 & 7

    I'm pretty sure everyone with one, should've got that with the brake. Unless they got it 2nd hand without it.. Nice find though.
  13. If only MrMonkey was around for this...
  14. Another one for Alexisonfire. Accidents is an awesome song.
  15. Wheelbase on my one with standard Onza forks was spot on 1000mm. Haven't a clue about the rest...
  16. Kris Holm on the rear. I had an Onza Ronnie on the back, it it died. Dented all over the place. Generally shit. Kris Holm has lasted ages. Only problem is the angle of the sidewalls, makes it 'slightly' harder to set the brake up..but my pads are worn funny anyway. So yeah, to sum it up, mega strong rims. And apparently the '07 ones are slightly wider, and drilled.
  17. Zoo's aren't made anymore, so they'll be hard to get hold of. Echo Pinks are the same..basically. Not sure about the reds..
  18. Koxx are expensive enough as it is..god knows what their prices will be like with carbon parts...
  19. Blue frame, black parts. Silver frame with black parts looks so nice..but boring.. Subtle blueness/redness/whatever is alright, but it's people that get like.. Zoo Python, green bars, green grips, green pads, green maguras, green pedals, green chranks, green boosters, green magura mounts, green hubs, green rims. That's annoying.
  20. You know one side is reverse thread... Maybe you're cross threading it. Clean out the threads completely, with an old toothbrush and WD40, then grease it up, and make sure it goes in perfectly.
  21. My god that's nice. Don't really like the frame..I'm not a fan of these bulky, square looking things...
  22. Do you want short or long? The MBKs have a 1100mm wheelbase, and the Ashton is 1055mm. I've had a quick go on Bessell's MBK, and it does ride very nicely. Nice and stable on the backwheel. Never rode an Ashton, but many people love how they ride.
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