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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Surely that would shatter when you twat it on a wall/whatever? And wouldn't that be really noisy with the chain running though it?
  2. It's more fun if you replace the word 'bicycle' with 'bi-sexual' in the song... Pretty impressive anyway.
  3. Thought i'd make a festive topic.. Some people might be at parties, trick or treating? torturing trick or treaters? I remember a few years ago, my mate came over, and we got my huge super soaker out, along with eggs, flour ..the lot, and basically slaughtered all trick or treaters. Was great fun...haha. The joys of being 14... What you lot up to?
  4. People would get well disapointed if they meet the real model... If they could recognise them.
  5. You don't search - You get flamed. You do search - You get flamed.
  6. Way lighter. T-Pro forks are Steel (Unless they've changed them..) and the Echo Lite's are aluminium, and generally very light.
  7. Got me all worried then..thought I'd missed it! (Thought it was later than it is)
  8. Does whatever he use to recieve the signal actually work?
  9. I think he was taking the piss. Might want to say where you're actually riding?
  10. Were you using a Magura in your Rhyl video? Ontopic: Looks nice.
  11. I used masking tape..which is white? Does the job. Or white electrical tape.
  12. When I click the scroll button on a link, it opens that in a new tab? Is that what you mean? Or do you want it to open a blank tab?
  13. The seat posts on them are really short. Even if you raise it, you wont be able to sit and pedal comfortably...
  14. It's not in two pieces yet... Go ride..
  15. Had a ride in town with my mates. (Click for full-size) Really like how the light is on me in this one.. I know it's no excuse..But I was dripping with sweat..so I took my helmet off..
  16. Used to have like 5 in the front, and 10 in the back. Now it's about 10 in the front, and 10-15 in thw back. On a mod, and 11stone?
  17. Zona Zip. Looks the same as the Zoo, but they have shorter chainstays, meaning it'll be more 'flickable' and easier on the backwheel. I love my one, nice length. Doesn't feel too long, especially going from a 1000mm T-Pro, to my 1040mm Zona. Feels perfect. And I think i'm around 5' 11".
  18. There has been some snapped Zoo bars too.. I have Zoo bars on my mod, and they're perfect. Scarily thin, and flex a bit. But yeah, nice shap and rise too. Bars are at the same height as my T-pro bars, but they're feel flatter, because of the shape. Hard to explain...
  19. If you want to do it properly, you'll want more than just a can of paint. First you want to strip the frame down to bare metal, sand it down, and the Nitromors it to get all the old paint off. Rinse the rest of the Nitromors off with some warm soapy water. Make sure you've got the BB threads and headtube covered, and all brake mounts. I used blu-tack for the mounts, and BB threads, then card for the headtube. Then you'll want some primer. Spray a few coats of that on, then leave it for a round 12hrs to dry. Get some wet and dry sandpaper to roughen up the surface for the main coat. Get the colour you want, then spray one even coat all over, let that dry for an hour, apply another coat, let it dry, etc. Let that properly dry for 24hrs, then apply the lacquer. Completely coat the frame in the stuff, make sure it's all even. Usually, lacquer is supposed to take 3weeks to fully dry, but I left mine for a day, then built it back up.
  20. If you have disc mounts on your hub, an forks, then go for it. I used to have a front Magura on my Zona, and it didn't have the right lock and modulation, with a variation of pads. Now running a 160mm Avid BB7, and it's mint. Locks fine, and has enough modulation for rolling etc.
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