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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Must be painful to watch your own bike get taken that easily. Was for me anyway... With that CCTV footage, show the police it (if they haven't seen it already) and seriously keep bugging them about what they're doing about it, and what they've already done. When my Zona got nicked, the police were pretty useless. They didn't understand that it's a specialist bike, and 100% unique to me. There wasn't another Zona Zip with that exacty spec anywhere. I even told them where some bloody scrathes were! I ended up doing all their work, arranging to meet up with the eBay seller, then forcing the police to come with me as soon as possible. Try and get as much evidence as possible that the bike's yours. As I buy pretty much all my parts from Tarty, I emailed them asking if they still had records of my purchases, or maybe Dave/Adam told me they could send them? Anyway, they sent me every order reciept from every purchase. - Very helpful. You already have those pictures or you on it, so that should help prove that it's yours. Get anyone you know in the area to keep a close eye out. At work, I made posters with a picture, spec, and details of where it was stolen, and when. These went all over the store (Halfords). My mate at work even rang up all the local stores telling them about it. Luckily, Milton Keynes (where it was stolen) said that if they have someone come in with a bike to that description, they'll try and keep it with them. - No idea how, don't think they/we're allowed to just take bikes off people? I'm sure in a place like Plymouth, there'll be police patrolling about? Give any of them you find a picture, spec, and details, even proof that it's yours to them, and tell them to keep an eye out. Quite a long post I know, but everything I've put down is what I did when my bike was stolen. Even some new ideas in there. You will get it back.
  2. Both looking nice. Good to see you're getting them into the sport at such a young age. How is Rob getting on, on the Wasp?
  3. BB7. - Simple to set up. Don't require bleeding, or the risk of contaminating pads and rotor with the oil. So easy to set-up, turn the stationary pad in a few clicks, then the other one a few times, do up the cable, then pull the lever, and do up the caliper. Then just undo the stationary pad untill it doesn't rub, but is as close to the rotor as possible. Yes you do have to buy a lever, and cables, but that will cost pennies off eBay.
  4. My mate kept mentioning it, and I already started riding, so I decided to have a look.
  5. Change the writing on your shoes so it says 'BORAT'
  6. ..That are basicaly the same as a T-Pro, thinner tubing, and 10X as much...
  7. How do snail cams weaken the frame?
  8. I still have a few from last time.
  9. From what i've noticed today (and if it hasn't been said yet) You'll talk to everyone you see about the weather. Starting with "Oooh..Aint it cold today?! Aint it cold!!" Then you'll moan that the weather man was wrong again, and something should be done. You'll start using Busses more often, just to go down/up the road, or to the shops for some rich tea biscuits and tea bags. You'll also start moaning about the lower generation. I was sat at the bus stop today, and these two old woman started walking in the shelter bit..and one of them said quietly "selfish boy..could've let us past!" OH NOES...you had to walk another 8ft? ^^You'll do that.
  10. I didn't even know they made reds. Anyway..I've had yellows. And they're awesome. Lasted me bloody ages, on 3 different rims, and several grinds etc. Noice pads.
  11. If there's a Halfords near you then they should have one...
  12. Just buy a huge clump from wherever you said sells it...You'll have more than enough. Can't cost that much either...
  13. The Echo 06 will die after a few rides. Don't know anything about the Monty one, but I wouldn't want to grind it, purely because of the lil' bike on the sidewall.
  14. Looks alright, bit too much green for my liking... Would look so nice if it was all black, except for like, green headset and brake mounts?
  15. Haha. I'm sure it's easierto drill his DX32. Instead of de-lacing it, buying a new rim, then either lacing, and tensioning it himself, or send the hub to Tarty with £10, buy new spokes, and then wait for it to get Built...
  16. The top bearings blew up in my FSA Pig. Well, the casing did. I wacked a load of grease in there, put all loose bearings in. Works a treat.
  17. Zoo, and Echo are pretty much the same? Made by the same guy..same materials..etc? What are you on about anyway? - Frames? Forks? Bars? ...?
  18. So there is something wrong with it... But surely you could just screw any BB in there?
  19. Was at the skatepark in my village earlier, and some guy brought his two kids down on their bikes. They were riding about, whilst I was setting my brake up, then started to ride about. The kids were like "Woah..wow dad..look at that!" Then he started asking me questions about what the sport was called... "it's obviously not a Bmx..what is it?" etc. Looked like he was trying to get his kids into biking too! Which is good to see, as one looked about 5, the other mayeb 7? I dunno... My mum doesn't care what I do, as long as i'm not getting wasted or destroying the place. She never actually understood what it is I do on my bike, until we went to Wales a few months back. My Dad has watched me ride a few times, and is just like "Just be careful on that thing!" Haha.. Where I live, there's this 'old peoples estate' and around their carpark is a few walls, various sizes. Me and my mate will ride there for a while, well away from the cars and that. They either come tell us to 'Go and play somewhere else!' or be really impressed and ask to do it again. Old people are weird... If people do ask me/us to move on, we'll just say sorry, pack up our stuff, and go somewhere else. That way they might see that we're not trying to cause trouble, and might not mind us riding there next time... So I wouldn't say it's anti-social, as you meet people on rides etc. And if they do get the police or whatever, if you're polite, they'll see that you're not trying to cause trouble, and be nicer.
  20. They are for mods...I'm guessing this guy rides stock? Any reason why not? Unless you meant that he rides stock, and because of the difference in spacing for stock, and mod frames, it wont fit.
  21. Heatsink. Onza make them too..Try e-mailing/ringing Supercycles?
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