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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Not forgetting the owner beats him...and 'he' doesn't have a penis.
  2. If you want a really good set-up, get a rear Hope Pro 2 Trials, then either a front chainring, or front fixed cog. Depending on what you've got up front at the moment.
  3. At a guess, they might work just as well as the Tektro cable disks on the Carrera Subway 2, and then the Hydo' on the Fury...
  4. ODI Ruffains wear out within a week for trials. Trust me.
  5. Take it like a man, rip your shins to shreads. Nah, I had some 661 Veggie's a while ago, and they did the job nicely. Got a bit sweaty in summer though...
  6. Why do you want a new frame? What's up with your current one?
  7. I was having a look at one at work.. I'd rather get the BB7. As it's probably made from better quality materials, and will probably feel much nicer. The way it works and is set-up is the same as a BB7 though.. Didn't see any hydo's though...
  8. Halfords 'drop bar' foam grips. Comes in a pack of 4 long grips, cut one in half, and you have a nice lengthed pair. For £5 too..can't go wrong.
  9. Yeah, if the helmet was all white, then it'd be alright...
  10. Rule Number. Whatever. No bumping topics within 24hrs. Glad to see ex-members returning though.
  11. You could glue an allen key to the bolt? Like the tape idea I guess...
  12. Helicoiling wont get the bolts out? Helicoiling is for of you've stripped the threads, you drill the hole out slightly bigger, then insert the helicoil - a strong, steel thread. No chance of stripping one of those. If you're confident enough, get a small drill bit, and drill down the bolt, then get the a slightly bigger drill bit, mind you don't drill the threads of the hole out! And it should just fall apart...
  13. Why do they have to be pink bikes? www.trialsqueens.tk
  14. Surely they'd have to import the products, to sell them?
  15. Dan6061

    Thrashed 6

    Pretty beasty riding. Good song too. Can't beat a bit of Feeder. Looked like fun places to ride too. Wish it was like that around here.
  16. I drove my sisters Suzuki Alto once... (Down a small lane/track thing)
  17. just waddled home from mt matsse. bnit drunk like. some beers, tequila shots..whisky...etcc. all good matre,
  18. Thank you very much for that. Forgot I posted that actually.. I've twisted it when riding before, and you know that annpying feeling when it feels like it needs to click? I've had that before, for about 2 days. I'm still in my teens yes, 16. No, it doesn't hurt at all when it 'clicks' I don't think you can hear it, but I can feel the 'click'. Anything I should worry about then? Or just put up with it, and it'll sort itself out?
  19. As long as they don't rip the rim apart, or crack around the spoke holes, then you're alright. I keep my spokes so they don't move if I pinch a pair. - If that makes sense?
  20. Dan6061

    Tf Cribs

    Haha, nah. Slowly lost interest. Ikea ***! I like the way everyone elses rooms are all tidy and organised, and mine has clothes all over a dusty drum kit, loads stuff on the floor, messy desk..you get the idea.
  21. 35 pallet sidehope? Just set them out however you want them. You know what you abilities in trials are. Someone could design some mental course, but you might not be able to do it. Not saying your crap or anything... But I hope you get what I mean...
  22. I know why. www.bmx-forum.co.uk would've directed him to here. Welcome to the world of Trials-Forum. Full of gay's, homophobes, pervs and pedos. (That's a joke...)
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