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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Plane: Plane is still. Not turned on, or moving. Conveyor belt has the plane on it, and moves the plane down the runway on itself. So the plane is just sat on the conveyor belt, so if the conveyor gos fast enough, surely this will have the same effect as the plane moving itself down the runway?
  2. Thought you were testing that frame for FP Pete? Looks like a Coust' to me.. As for thew thread, for a mod, get a BB7, with a 165mm rotor. Mine's perfeft. And I'm using a cable I got from work (Halfords) and an old Avid SD3 lever, and it's still nice.
  3. Is this where the plane is on a long conveyor belt? the plane is still, but on a moving belt? I think if the belt was going fast enough, the plane will take off?
  4. Sorry, but did you say stocks have shorter stems, so it'll be harder to bend them?
  5. Nice pics. I rode Bangor once, don't recognise any of that though!
  6. The rotors the same as what my one came with. And my one's the mtb one.
  7. Do not grind your rim if you have Zoo pads. When I had some Zoos, I had a well worn grind, and they still turned to dust every time I braked. Zoo pads on a smooth rim will be fine.
  8. I was waiting for someone to make one of these pics.
  9. I thought that just meant that the monitor is on, but the PC isn't?
  10. I didn't think they made them anymore? I bought a 165mm one for £15..but that was 2nd hand.. Have a look on eBay etc, you never know.
  11. They've gone all out on CNCing eh? Does look nice though... Can't wait to see this MBK Mod.
  12. GT85 will sort that out. Ontopic: Do like the '04 Zoo's. None of that CNCing everywhere.
  13. Is there any other than the one posted in the other topic? That one doesn't work on my PC, the computer seems to stop it from working or something?
  14. Avid BB7. Simple to set-up - No need for bleeding at all, when the cable stretches, just set it up again. Only takes 1min! My one feels solid. 165mm Hope Gothic rotor on my mod.
  15. Dan6061

    Msn Help!

    Mine's been fine. Don't suppose it's because i use Gmail?
  16. Slomo - no no. Get's annoying after the second clip. I know you're trying to make it fit in with the song..but please don't have it for every clip.
  17. POST the B3ZT MODZORS!!111111 Got closed. As there's a bike pic thread for NMC, and a Bike pics section for members.
  18. New members will be posting about it in a week...
  19. Pretty good way to promote trials.. Without even knowing.
  20. I'd love to see a new member go straight into SM...
  21. Originality. A song that hasn't been used before. Different camera angles and minimal visual effects. - No stars and shit inbetween clips. I like minimalist editing basically. Fading inbetween clips, or maybe blurring clips into eachover.
  22. Make your profile public, so I can judge you by it.
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