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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. The reason they've 'downgraded' the new models, is so it's more affordable for beginners. Not everyone has £400 odd lining their pockets...
  2. Why must you make me scroll so much! I hate you.
  3. I've got the Echo Team booster on my Zona. To be honest, you're better off with a 4bolt, as the bottom of the mounts still flex a bit...
  4. Pah. Been playing this for ages! This one has an undo tool. - http://www.sober-productions.co.uk/line-rider/
  5. In theory, the 'reverse' mounts will be work better, as the force from the brake is going into the forks, not away. So it'll be stronger? Not all about looking good.. I've got some Echo Lite's on my Zona, and they're fine. Bearing in mind I don't do any taps and hooks, so I wouldn't be able to tell you that they're uber strong, not at my level of riding anyway.
  6. Just use the longest ISIS BB you can find? Be on the safe side..
  7. Post up his email address after the pwniiing.. Will be fun owning him some more.
  8. Dan6061

    Samsung D600

    Alright, then what? I have no idea how to install it onto my phone. With my Nokia, I could select install application, and just open the rar file in that, and it'd install itself onto my phone. - So I didn't need to extract anything.
  9. Dan6061

    Samsung D600

    No, i've got rar files. Also, anyone know any decent websites that have good games for mobiles? - preferebly free? Google is useless..all the small print has 'Charge of £3 - £6'
  10. Pleassseee..don't fade the clips as you land stuff. And use slo-mo to death. Other than that, nice video.
  11. No, what Dan means is that his wheel doesn't flex about when I pull the brake.. Not that i've noticed anyway... Wasn't very clear in the other post..
  12. Exactly the same companants as a normal 26", but with a Mod spaced rear hub. - 116mm. You could run a front freewheel yes. Just need a Mod fixed rear hub, and the right sized cog for the gearing.
  13. What are those threaded holes in the dropouts actually for? Panier rak?
  14. Dan6061


    Myyy god that's nice.
  15. A lot of people think this. The insides of Maguras are plastic. - Nothing to rust! Yes, in time water can damage them, as the oil keeps them lubed up 24/7, and keeps all the dirt out. As someone else said, try cleaning all of your rim and pads with warm soapy water. Even get some rough sandpaper, and sand the pads, just to get the glaze/crap off them.
  16. Maxxis everytime. My rear one's so bald, yet stil grippy! Should be my....4th one soon?
  17. Dan6061

    Samsung D600

    Yeah, but with my Nokia, I could select 'Install Applications' or something from the phone browser on my PC, and just drag and drop the .rar game file into it, and it'd install. The thing i'm asking, is how the hell do I do this on my D600?
  18. 1. I'm sure there's someone called Chris King.. 2. GU - Probably some letters Deng thought looked good together. 3. CZAR is from Japan. - Same place as Zoo, Echo, GU, Adamant etc. 4. No? 5. Water is the nicest feeling liquid that can be ran in them. Magura Oil will keep the pistons lubed and you wont have to service the brake as much - Thicker than water, so it wont feel as nice. WD40 will work ok I guess..
  19. Dan6061

    Samsung D600

    Downloaded some games onto my PC for my D600. On the USB settings on the phone, it's set to Mass Storage. I've got it plugged in, and it's all installed and everything, I just have no idea how to install the games on my phone. Can anyone help?
  20. I thought it'd be someone they know in the car?
  21. I've got an '06 Echo on the front. Seems strong enough? Can't see how you need an uber strong rim on the front though... I'm using front disc though, so I don't know what they're like for braking surface..
  22. Haha. Could explain why I don't recognise any of it..
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