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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. On a smaller scale, I have a 165mm Hope Gothic rotor, from having a 160mm Avid one before. If that helps..at all? Works mint btw.
  2. Gotta love trying to read drunken messages.
  3. EDIT: Scrap that.. Welcome to the forum.
  4. Just undo one side of cones (all nuts etc) and just pull it out, along with the bearings.
  5. Dan6061

    Baby Names

    I'm 16, and within 200miles of London... ...Dad?
  6. Happened to me the other day.. Hadn't rode in about 2weeks, and my style seemed to have changed slightly. Got some wheelswaps sorted though.
  7. Yes it needs bleeding. You would've got shite loads of air in it, if you took the caliper apart.
  8. They just need to bed in. Give them time. My Koxx Blues were like this, and now they're mint.
  9. Don't forget to make sure the pads are hitting the rim perfectly flat.
  10. No. Same reasons as why the Zona isn't. - New back wheel (19" one) and 4bolt mounts. Oh, and the T-Pro will need an internal headset.
  11. I get it now. :$ The way I was thinking, was the plane pretty much stays in the same place. Didn't think about the jet englines etc creating thrust that makes the plane move.
  12. Lucky I couldn't be bothered to do it...
  13. I think I should have it so I can sell it on eBay in a million years for millions.
  14. Dan6061

    Samsung D600

    euploader.com ***! Much easier then codes and such. Upload the file, go on wap and type the address and codes, and it installs.
  15. Dan6061

    Samsung D600

    Right, managed to find a .jad version of the game I wanted (Gravitydefied). .jad is the file type I need for uploading it btw. Been following this guide - http://users.skynet.be/yozy/tutorials/sams...d600/d600-1.htm It's all been good, but when I go to 'Serial Download' it pauses on the download screen, then goes into the folder with the two games I already have there, with 'Downloads' at the top?
  16. Dan6061

    Samsung D600

    Contents of one: [attachmentid=8327] Pretty much the same in the other...
  17. Heatsink's have the same geo' as the Ashton ET24's don't they?
  18. Nice video. Some pretty mad lines going on there.. Bessell's bail at the end was great!
  19. A few months back, there was a load of 'bots saying things like 'Nice website!' etc. They all got deleted. Let's hope this one does to. Actually, is there a way to stop 'bots from posting on there?
  20. I've just been thinking about this.. It's like walking on a treadmill, you're walking the same speed as the belt is moving, but you're not going anywhere, you're in the same place. If it was like this with the plane, it'd work the same as if the engines etc were all at full blast, but with the plane on the spot. If my understanding of how planes work is right, then it wouldn't take off, because there's no air being blasted under the wings, making it fly. - Well, not enough anyway? If the plane was actually moving along the conveyor, say 100mph. Then surely this would be the same as it going 100mph normally? If it couldn't take off at 100mph normally, then what would make it take off at 100mph on a conveyor? - The only difference, is the wheels moving twice the normal speed. I'm pretty sure the wheel's don't control the drive of the plane, they just sit freely, like our front wheels do. They just get pushed along by the drivechain. Thought i'd post this, just for fun. - http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...amp;q=treadmill
  21. Dan6061


    I'm still the only person from Bucks.
  22. So which 'offer' did you sign up for? Can I make up a name and address for that? So some poor sod gets all the junk mail? Or does it sign me up automaticaly once I click on one?
  23. A link would be nice. What d'you have to do to get one? Sign up for 28346 different companies sending junk mail 24/7? Or get 8236 people to sign up aswell?
  24. I see what you mean, but the majority of people that start trials are around 11-13? So unless they're like 'Daddy buys me everything' they'll struggle to make £400..
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