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Everything posted by Dan6061

  1. T-Birds didn't start with 19" rims. When I had my '02 T-Bird, it came with a 20" rear wheel. I upgraded it to a 19" wheel, as the Magura mounts were in the position for a 19" rear wheel, and the V's that came on it were for it's 20" one. As the T-Vee has V mounts on it, you might have difficulty setting up the brake for the 19" wheel. I'm not saying it can't be done, as I've never tried it. If people on here say they've done it, then go for it.
  2. Started off on a standard 2002 T-Bird. Then upgraded it to this: All I have left of this is the rear hose, and crossover. Then I got this T-Pro frame off eBay, and got new forks. Bars and stem at first were black Onza ones. Then got Zoo bars, and Team stem - Which I have on my Zona. Then I cracked the T-Pro, and got my Zona Zip. Along with Echo Lite/Easy forks, Echo cranks, ACS on the front. Then it got stolen. Then I got it back, sprayed it blue, and upgraded it: And now it looks like this: (but with a Hope Gothic Rotor)
  3. '02 T-Bird. '05 T-Pro. Zona Zip. Can't be arsed to write spec's out.
  4. Marmite on toast, or Beans on toast. Too lazy to properly cook something. Unless there's pizza...
  5. Saying that Ash, naturists will kick in, and trials will become an illegal sport being down down dark alleys and secret warehouses...
  6. Dan6061

    The Simpsons.

    Alright... But still.. all-fg for Family Guy.
  7. Dan6061

    The Simpsons.

    it's www.all-fg.com actually.
  8. Holy shizzz... Unlucky for them. My bike got stolen out of a bus in MK. Just after i put it in the boot. Turned up on eBay a week later, with the worst description ever. Keep a good eye out. If i'm ever in MK soon, i'll have a look about too. I know some of the people that ride there often will aswell. Lesson learnt: Whenever you're in MK, and you go to a shop, have one person with the bikes. Takes longer, but much safer. Me and my mate did this outside Subway at the train station, and a fair few chavs had a look, and poked my rear tyre. Hope you get them back ok.
  9. The Heatsink 24UK have the same geometry as the ET24s. So if you want a 24", i'd go for one of them. £250, brand new. With warrenty etc. I can't say i've heard of any snapping either. Heatsink link. EDIT: Link messed up.
  10. My mate had a Nokon on his BMX. And it felt terrible. Wasn't smooth at all, and took ages to respond, as far as brakes go. Even after everything was oiled and set-up properly. I have a standard Clarks cable on mine, and it feels fine. Nice and smooth.
  11. Really like this. Much better than your old. Love how everytime you refresh, the picture on the home page changes. Maybe when you click on the image, and the larger one comes up, have a 'Next' button below, so we don't have to close that one, then open a new one?
  12. Bars - Take them off the stem, and clean them up a bit. Usually dirt and stuff gets trapped inbetween, and just makes them creak? I dunno. Also check for pressure cracks while they're off. Forks - Probably best to take them off and have a good look about, and clean around the welds. You might've cracked those too. Spokes - Mutiny ones. Got those front and back on my Mod, come in black, and £10 from Tartybikes.
  13. I noticed that at work actually. :$ If you look closely, the slave is sat right up at the top, so if you moved the moutns down, might line up?
  14. Shimano UN53 did me fine. Was smooth from the start, didn't come loose or anything. I think they're all the same anyway?
  15. Was looking at our catalogue of these at work. They look alright. Don't understand why they've put SRAM X-9s on them..when we're just gunna twat them on rocks. High-end one has a rear HS33, and fron Avid Juicy Seven. - Not bad. Also got that 24" one. Guessing it's the same idea as the Zoot. - Not a streety 24".
  16. I guess you ride mod? - Profile says so.. 18 - 12 is the 'normal' gear ratio. I went from a 36 engagment ACS freewheel, to a 48e Profile. - Probably not as big a leap as you, but you'll get used to it.
  17. Don't think so, as the hose has the olive, then the other screw bit. Which is much wider. Ring Tarty to double check!
  18. M6 + M8 are the thread sizes. Ones for the crossover, and hose. - M6/M8? Other's for crossover, and bleed bolt. - M6/M6?
  19. Well good video. Wanna ride Oxford now.
  20. 1st - Dan. Middle name's Joseph. Couldn't picture myself being called 'Joe'
  21. Snapped: Onza Bash plate Cage pedals. Cracked: Onza Ronnie rim. T-Pro frame. Hardcore..
  22. BB7. Maguras are alright, but mine didn't work how I wanted it to. - Too much modulatuion, not enough bite. Whereas the BB7 has perfect modulation, and lock. Mint.
  23. I had that phone..the power button stopped working, and then I dropped it, and the battery fell out. Happened to my other phone aswell... 3230? - Something like that. Although with that one, i taped the battery to it, then taped up the case, so when I dropped it, nout would happen. My Nokia 3310 was the most solid phone I've had so far. Used to throw it all over the place, kick it etc. And it still works. Just hasn't got the buttons. I always wear jeans, and pretty much all of them have deep pockets, or tight pockets. So there's no risk of stuff falling out.
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